Tiger's Quest - By Colleen Houck Page 0,33

in wushu to use weapons.

His body filled the doorframe. “Ready? I can’t wait for my first class.”

My sullen silence didn’t seem to faze him at all, and he talked about starting classes at WOU for the entire car ride.

We arrived a few minutes late. Class had already begun, and Jennifer was running through the warm-ups in our corner. Ren walked confidently by my side. Keeping my eyes down, I hurried in, plopped my bag on the floor, and shrugged out of my coat.

I glanced over at Jennifer, who was on the floor stretching her legs. She’d paused in mid-stretch to stare at Ren. Her eyes were practically popping out of their sockets. Li’s stare bored over my head to Ren who returned his gaze boldly and studied Li as if assessing for weaknesses.

Ren took off his jacket, which solicited a squeak from Jennifer who was now totally focused on Ren’s golden-bronze biceps. His perfectly fitted muscle shirt showed off his extremely well-developed arms and chest.

I hissed at him quietly, “For heaven’s sake, Ren! You’re going to give the women heart palpitations!”

His eyebrows lifted up in confusion. “Kells, what are you talking about?”

“You! You’re too—” I gave up in disgust. “Never mind.”

I cleared my throat. “Sorry to interrupt the class, Li. Hey, everybody, this is my guest, Ren. He’s visiting from India.”

Jennifer’s mouth dropped open with a big silent, “Oh!”

Li gave me a questioning look for a moment before he got back to business. He ran us through kicks and forms and seemed thoroughly irritated when he saw that Ren knew every move. Li ordered us to pair up and decided that Ren would partner with Jennifer while he worked with me.

Ren turned toward Jennifer good-naturedly, and she blushed from her feet to the roots of her hair. We were practicing take-downs. Li demonstrated one on me and then asked us all to give it a try. Ren was already talking comfortably with Jennifer, gently guiding her through the move and giving her tips and pointers. Somehow, he’d quickly put her completely at ease. He was very charming and sweet. When she tried to take him down, he fell dramatically and rubbed his neck, causing her to erupt into giggles.

I smiled and thought, Yeah, he has that effect on me too. I was happy that he was being nice to my friend. Suddenly, I found myself flat on my back, staring at fluorescent lights. While I was busy watching Ren and Jennifer, Li had flipped me over hard. I wasn’t really hurt, just a bit surprised. Li’s determined expression immediately changed to regret.

“I’m so sorry, Kelsey. Did I hurt you? I didn’t mean to—”

Before he could finish apologizing, Li was thrown to the mat a few feet away. Ren kneeled over me.

“Did he hurt you, Kells? Are you alright?”

Angry and embarrassed, I hissed, “Ren! I’m fine! Li didn’t hurt me. I just wasn’t paying enough attention. It happens.”

Ren growled, “He should have been more careful.”

I whispered quietly, “I’m fine. And really! Did you have to throw him halfway across the room?”

He grunted and helped me stand up.

Li hustled back over, pointedly ignoring Ren. “Are you okay, Kelsey?”

I put my hand on his arm. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about it. It was my fault for being distracted.”

“Yes. Distracted.” His eyes shifted to Ren briefly. “Good throw, but I’d like to see you try to do that again.”

Ren grinned widely. “Anytime.”

Li smiled back subtly and narrowed his eyes. “Later, then.”

I stood by Jennifer, who was quivering with excitement. She opened her mouth to ask the first of what I was sure were hundreds of questions, and I stuck a finger in the air.

“Hold that thought. I just want to get through class. Then I promise I’ll tell you what’s going on.”

She mouthed, “Promise?”

I nodded.

Jennifer spent the rest of the hour vigilantly watching Ren, Li, and me. I could see the wheels turning in her brain as she listened carefully to every remark and probably categorized every look and casual touch. Li guided us through simple hand forms for the rest of the hour and then abruptly dismissed class. He and Ren seemed to be locked in a staring contest. Both of them had their arms folded across their chests, coldly assessing one another. I walked Jen to the door.

She squeezed my arm. “Your Ren is wonderful. And absolutely yummy. I can see why you had a hard time letting him go. If I were a couple of years younger and wasn’t happily married,

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