Tiger's Quest - By Colleen Houck Page 0,31

didn’t catch a glimpse of his striped self the rest of the day. He also refused to kiss me saying he had a lot of catching up to do. Even though he was on the other side of the wall, I missed my tiger.

We started reading Othello together. Until Othello was deceived by Iago, Ren really liked his character.

“Othello destroyed his and Desdemona’s love, just like Romeo did. It had nothing to do with Iago,” Ren commented thoughtfully. “Othello didn’t trust his wife. If he had only asked her what had happened to his handkerchief or how she felt about Cassio, he would have learned the truth.”

“Othello and Desdemona hadn’t known each other very long,” I countered. “Maybe they weren’t really in love in the first place. Maybe their only real bond was through his storytelling and exciting adventures. Not unlike you, I might add.”

Ren was lying with his head on my lap. He played with my fingers thoughtfully for a minute and asked hesitantly, “Is that why you’re with me, Kelsey? For the adventure? Are you bored sitting here reading with me when we could be hiking in India searching for magical objects and fighting demons?”

I considered that for a moment. “No. I just like being with you, even if all we do is eat popcorn and read.”

He grunted and kissed my fingers. “Good.”

I started reading again, but he jumped up and dragged me into the kitchen with a sudden urge to learn how to make microwave popcorn.

One afternoon I was desperate enough to see my tiger that I decided to seek him out without having an official date planned. I knocked on our connecting door and stepped into Ren’s living room when there was no reply. A few unopened packages were stacked on his counter but other than that the house had an empty feeling. I made my way upstairs.

“Ren?” I called, but there was still no answer.

Where could he be? I thought and stuck my head into Ren’s office. His laptop was on and the screen had three open windows.

Settling in his comfortable leather office chair, I realized the first web page was a very expensive designer clothing store and the second was a link to courtship rituals through the ages.

The third window was an email chain from Mr. Kadam. I felt a bit guilty reading Ren’s messages, but they were so short that before I knew it I’d already read the entire thing.

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Documents


The issue of the documents is resolved.


From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Subject: Relocation


Per your request, I’ve attached a file in case of emergency.


Documents? Relocation? What are they up to? I maneuvered the mouse cursor over the attachment. With my finger on the button, I hesitated, debating how far I was willing to let curiosity take me, when a voice made me jump.

“It’s appropriate to ask for permission before snooping into personal documents, don’t you think?” Ren asked casually.

I minimized the window and stood up abruptly. He filled the office doorway, leaning against it on one shoulder while his arms were crossed over his chest.

“I . . . I was looking for you and got sidetracked,” I mumbled.

“I see.” He softly closed his laptop and propped his hip against the desk, considering me. “I’d say you found more than you were looking for.”

I stared at my shoelaces for a few seconds but quickly found a spark of annoyance to assuage the guilt and lifted my head. “Have you been hiding things from me?”


“Well is there something important going on here that you’re not telling me?”

“No,” he repeated.

“Promise me,” I said quietly, “promise me with a royal oath.”

He took my hands in his, looked me in the eyes, and said, “As the prince of the Mujulaain Empire, I promise you that there is nothing to worry about here. If you are concerned, ask Kadam.” He leaned his head a little bit closer. “But what I really want is your trust. I won’t abuse it, Kelsey.”

“You’d better not,” I emphasized by poking him in the chest.

He brought my fingers to his lips, distracting me enough that the subject became suddenly very unimportant.

“I won’t,” he vowed softly and guided me back home.

The romantic daze dissipated soon after he left, and I found myself angry at the ease with which he bent me to his will with just a casual touch.

On the Monday after Christmas, wushu classes started again, and I had absolutely no idea what I was going to say to Li. Ren agreed to bow out this

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