Tiernan A Dark Irish Mafia Romance - Jane Henry Page 0,82

an idea,” Aisling says. Her eyes shine like beacons in the dark, and I swear to Christ it makes my dick hard. She’s so fucking brilliant.

Keenan nods, giving her permission to speak.

She swallows hard, holds my hand tighter, and states her plan. “We fake my death.”

Keenan’s brows shoot up. “Your death, Aisling?”

“Aye,” she says firmly. “My death.”

Bloody hell.

She’s determined. “It just might work, Keenan.”

Keenan nods. “You’re right. It likely would. But would anyone in Ballyhock recognize you?”

“Well, with these changes we’ve made, I hardly recognize myself,” she says with a laugh.

“And she wouldn’t be here on the premises often if she got a job at the school, would she?” I suggest.

Keenan looks from me to her. “Job at the school?”

Aisling’s eyes shine bright. “Oh, God, I’d love that.” She looks like she might cry. She jerks her chin at me. “Tiernan’d make a bloody good teacher himself.”

Nolan grins. “He fucking would.”

Cormac looks reluctant. “We need him here working for the Clan.”

Keenan shakes his head. “Of course we do. Working as a teacher at St. Albert’s wouldn’t eliminate him from Clan duties.”

I’m surprised, because I actually love that idea.

“Well, now, something we can talk about for sure,” I say. “Would give me direct contact with Aisling’s guard.”

“My guard?”

“We’d have to make sure you were safe.”

Nolan sits up. “There were a handful at the school who knew she had a different identity, but that’s fairly easily dealt with. She gets a new look altogether. New I.D. She becomes Tiernan’s, and no one can deny that’s who she is. ‘Tis the Prime Minister we need to appease after all.”

Aisling’s eyes shine. “Would anyone at the school turn me in, though?”

“We’ll run a thorough sweep, but it seems the headmaster had two boys he paid to snoop, as well as Vivian, and we’ve dismissed the boys from school.”

Aisling’s face falls. “Well that’s terrible. It isn’t their fault if they were coerced.”

Keenan clears his throat. “Aisling, that school serves as a grooming school for the McCarthy Clan. Anyone who shows anything but total allegiance to the Clan is not welcome.”

She nods slowly. “I see,” she finally says. “Fair enough, then.” She chews her lip and then nods. “Okay, then. We fake my death. How?”

I hold her hand tighter as we make our plans.

She sleeps like a baby beside me that night, the day before we enact our plan. I hold her to me and dream of the plan we hatched. Car accident. A pronouncement that she’s found dead on arrival. Carson’s wife, clan cousin Megan, works at the hospital and has a friend who will aid us for a sum. We hold a funeral, we fake her death. Aisling has very few friends and family left who will mourn her passing.

And she’s got a new family here with us.

I expect she’ll be troubled by the plan, but she hasn’t looked this relaxed since she came here. I wonder why. I finally fall asleep myself.

The next morning, I wake with her between my legs, her mouth working wonders on my cock.

“Christ, woman,” I say, my words slurred from sleep. “What magic are you doing?”

“Giving you an early morning blow job,” she says with a wicked grin. “Any objection, sir?”

I groan as her tongue laps down the veined length.

“Just relax, Tiernan. You’ve earned this.”

“How?” I ask, my voice barely more than a groan.

She grins around my cock. “By being so bloody sexy.”

I reach for her hair and weave my fingers through it, tugging it just enough to elicit that little squeal and moan that vibrates straight through me. She cups my bollox and laps at the tip before she takes me fully in and sucks me hard.

“Jesus,” I groan. “Christtt…”

She moans, closes her eyes, and immerses fully in this, until I’m ready to come.

Her eyes meet mine in challenge, as I drag my cock out of her mouth. It feels so fucking good, but today I want to feel her wrapped around me. I want her pussy hugging my cock when I claim her.

“On your knees,” I groan. “Fucking now.”

She scrambles to get on her knees, and I give her arse a sharp slap before I drag my cock through her slick folds.

“Finger yourself,” I say, as I line my cock up at her entrance. “Fucking do it.”

She reaches for her pussy and strokes her clit, her back arching at the sudden pressure just as I impale her with my cock. She moans and grinds against me as I slam into her. I don’t hold back, but

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