Tiernan A Dark Irish Mafia Romance - Jane Henry Page 0,78

“I was just cleaning myself.”

His eyes narrow.

I hold his gaze and drag my fingers to my pussy, already hot and swollen and wet for him. I drag a finger across my clit and gasp.

“Oh God.” I close my eyes and finger myself again, my hips jerking from the sudden sensation and his nearness.

“Turn around.”

His voice bites like the cut of a cane.

My eyes fly open, my hand frozen.

Slowly, I obey.

“Step out, and bend over, placing your hands on the tub.”

It’s hot and steamy and slippery in here. I move slowly, so I don’t slip, obeying him.

The cut of leather through the air comes without warning, and I’m on my toes with the first lash. I gasp but don’t speak, the words frozen on my lips. A second lash follows, then a third. Oh, Christ does it hurt, but my body trembles and quakes underneath the onslaught of lashes.

“I want this fucking clear,” he says, his voice thick with emotion, raspy with intensity. “Your body belongs to me.”

Thwap. Another strike of his belt.

“I touch you.”


“I’m the one who makes you come. I’m the one your body obeys. I’m the one who commands your climaxes.”

I close my eyes, heady with arousal and pain and need all jumbled together, an intoxicating concoction that’s making me sex-drunk before he’s even touched me.

“Do you understand me?”

I nod mutely, my body rising to meet the lashes of his belt. I hear the clink of metal on tile, then he’s there, his hands spanning my hips and his mouth at my neck. He drags his tongue down the back of my neck, and I shiver as he goes further, down the length of my spine with a groan. I’m trembling and needy, the scent of my arousal mingling with the clean, hot steam.

I freeze when the heat of his mouth doesn’t stop at my back. He suckles my lower back, his fingers finding their way to my pussy, and just as he strokes me between my legs, I feel his tongue exploring the welts on my arse.


I feel his body go rigid. “Who owns you?”

“You,” I whisper.

“Who makes the rules here?”

I swallow. “You.”

“Lean into this. Embrace it,” he says, while his thumb circles the tight ring of muscle. Oh, God, oh God.

He rises, and I hear the zip and whir off his zipper, seconds before I feel his hot, throbbing cock at my arse.

He slides his cock through my pussy, lubricating himself, then he glides the tip where he wants to penetrate.

“Tiernan, I—oh, God, I don’t know if I’m ready for this.”

“You are,” he says. Something cool and wet glides down my arse cheeks. They burn with the lashes of his belt, throbbing at his touch, as he glides his cock to my center.

He isn’t.

He isn’t.

I’m no virgin anywhere but here. And for some reason… that knowledge frees me.

He’s the only one who’s ever taken me like this. This is his. Something we share. I couldn’t do this with anyone I didn’t trust, but with Tiernan… I trust him with everything.

So I relax. I close my eyes. I get lost in the steam of the shower, to sensation as he penetrates my virgin arse.

“Fuccckkk,” he says on a guttural groan, the first sign of him losing any control at all. I grin wickedly, pleased that he’s obviously enjoying himself. My skin throbs from the whipping, my pussy clenches, the sensation of being so full making me moan with pleasure.

“Yes,” I groan. Jesus, fuck, it’s better than I thought. “Yessss.”

Slowly, he thrusts his hips, his thick length penetrating me. I contract around him, nearly dizzy with arousal and need.

“Now you touch yourself,” he whispers. “Only with my permission, Aisling.”

I nod, my fingers finding my slick folds and quickly circling my clit, while he thrusts in and out.

“Who owns this pussy?”

“You,” I say in a throaty whisper as I stroke myself faster, my need heightening.

“Who owns this arse?”

“You,” I say, my voice choked on a sob of desperation and want. I’m so full. I’m so desperate for release. He’s taking me to new heights I’ve never been, and I fucking love it.

“Who do you obey?”

Gah, that word again, it makes me all warm and tingly because it’s him, and any reservation I once held about “obeying” him melts into need and want because he. wants. me, and there’s something freeing about letting him take care of me, letting him take control.

A sharp slap to my thigh has me hissing out a breath and coming to my toes before I

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