Tiernan A Dark Irish Mafia Romance - Jane Henry Page 0,44

if neither of us are… it’ll go better for us. And there’s enough distance between the school and Ballyhock to ensure that we’ll hear notice before anyone comes looking.”

I don’t want to leave here, but this is serious business.

“When do we leave?”

“Tomorrow morning, first thing.”

“Good, then,” Fiona says. “We’ve plenty of time.”

I’m eager to have friends again, and feel welcomed by this small group of women.

She places her hand on my knee and gives me a gentle squeeze. “It’s good to have you back, Ais.”

I sigh. Aye. It’s good to have me back, too.

Chapter 11


I hate being the bearer of bad news, but there’s no damn way I’ll allow it.

“Sorry, Fiona, but no,” I tell her. Aisling’s not going anywhere.

“Tiernan,” Maeve says. “Does anyone even know she’s here?”

“Doesn’t matter. The long and short of it is, I won’t jeopardize her safety by allowing her to go into the town centre.”

“Even with a guard?” Maeve asks, but she isn’t just giving me crap. She wants to truly know.

I sigh, and give them all sober looks. They need to know how serious this is, as they weren’t privy to the conversation with the men this morning.

“Even with a guard.”

Fiona’s cheeks flush pink, but Caitlin and Maeve nod.

“Tiernan, for Christ’s sake,” Fiona snaps. “She’s free to—”

Caitlin clears her throat. “She isn’t, though, Fiona.”

Maeve nods. “Aye. And y’ought to know that, love.”

Fiona opens her mouth, then shuts it, her cheeks flushing even deeper red. She follows Clan expectations when it comes to respect for Keenan, or even her husband, Lachlan. But it seems when it comes to her older brother, it’s a different story.

I cross my arms and lean against the counter, unmoved.

“It’s my hope there comes a time when you girls can shop to your heart’s content,” I tell them honestly. How I wouldn’t fucking love to spoil Aisling, give her a pocketful of cash and plastic and tell her to buy whatever the hell she wants. “But now isn’t the time. Now we need to focus on safety.”

Aisling’s eyes are on me, but I can’t quite read her expression. Is she angry that I’m insisting on this? I don’t much care if she is. Safety’s of paramount importance right now.

Fiona frowns, and her lips turn down in a pout. “Could do some online shopping, then,” she says petulantly, like a child who’s just conceded. “Unless you’ll restrict that, too, Tiernan!”

I grin at her, and Aisling’s eyes shine.

“Of course she can bloody well shop online. What do you think I am, an ogre?”

“Don’t want me to answer that question,” Fiona mutters, and Aisling laughs out loud. Brats.

“Now, Tiernan,” Maeve says. “You haven’t been lifting or getting your runs in, have you?”

I shake my head, and Aisling looks a bit sorrowful.

“I’m sorry, Tiernan.”

“Don’t be. It’s only been a few days, and making sure you were alright was top priority.”

Fiona softens a bit. “Suppose you’re not all bad, then,” she says with a wink.

Maeve stands and stretches. “This is a great time for you to go get your workout in, since we’re here with Aisling. Seems we could use a bit of a girl chat, couldn’t we?”

“Oh, aye,” Caitlin says, nodding.

“Absolutely,” Fiona says.

I’m loathe to leave the lass, even if she’s in good hands, but Christ, I’m dying for a good workout. And Keenan said if Aisling renews her friendship with Fiona, she’ll be more loyal to the Clan.

“Now, off with you,” Maeve says, waving her hand as if to dismiss me. “We need to chat with Aisling. We’ll make sure she has what she needs for your visit to St. Albert’s, and we’re in good hands, with the guard stationed right outside your door.” She rolls her eyes. “Plus you can watch the camera feed on your phone, eh?”

Aisling’s jaw slackens. “Camera feed?”

I shrug. “Aye.”

“We’ll explain everything,” Maeve says gently. “Now off with you, Tiernan.”

I go and workout, but the entire time I’m lifting I think of her, as my muscles ache. I remember the way her eyes widen when she lets her gaze roam over my body.

I think of her as I run, my feet pounding on the treadmill because today I won’t leave the mansion. I prefer running on the streets of Ballyhock, but today I want to be sure I’m right here if anything happens. If she needs me.

Hell, I can hardly bring myself to even do a full workout, my mind on the women upstairs and the girl whose eyes followed me until the door shut behind me. It’s the

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