Tiernan A Dark Irish Mafia Romance - Jane Henry Page 0,13

restraining him, but I shrug them off.

“Easy, now, Tiernan. Fight’s over.”

It isn’t the referee or a paid official, but Lachlan. He’s leapt onto the ring, his eyes furious. He’s prepared to defend me. His arm’s around me and the ref’s got my opponent. Lachlan signals to someone, and seconds later, I recognize Officer Walsh coming onto the scene.

“To the changing room,” Lachlan says, half dragging me off. “Now.”

My eyes go immediately to where the girls sat, scanning for the woman I know. But the seats are empty.

Chapter 4


Oh my God. Oh my God.

When I entered the arena, I never imagined I’d encounter the men of the Clan. We’re nowhere near Ballyhock centre, and yet here they are. I don’t know why I’m surprised. They’re allowed to visit places like this, and I know that they’re trained fighters, but why here? Why tonight? What if one of them saw me?

I know who they are. My best friend Fiona lived with them when she left Stone City. I spent hours as a youth with Fiona and her sister Sheena, and Sheena’s husband Nolan. I got to know the clan matriarch, kind and gentle Maeve. She isn’t here tonight. I know Keenan, the eldest, though he’s a bit older now. I wonder if he’d recognize me. I bet he would. He misses bloody nothing.

Jesus, I recognize all of them, but when my eyes fall on Lachlan and Fiona, I sink into myself, turn away, hoping they won’t see me. I will die if they do. Die.

I teased Fiona when she married Lachlan, asking her for an introduction to some of the single members of the Clan. I didn’t really want anything to do with them, though. Highhanded and old-fashioned, the men of the Clan fancy themselves heads of the house and that is not for me.

Then why does my heart beat faster when I look at them? Why do I tremble when I see the line of handsome—no, sexy men of the Clan, powerful, muscled, and magnificent, sitting along the front row like the Vikings of old? Fearless, strong, and mighty.

Jesus, I’m out of my feckin’ mind.

I spent hours getting ready for tonight with Klara, but I had no idea it was here. I had no idea that the people I knew in Ballyhock would arrive, and that none other than Tiernan fucking Hurston would take the ring. If I knew, I never would’ve come at all. No fucking way.

Am I high? Am I drunk? My mind’s gotten away from me.

If I’m honest… Jesus, I’m both, but not so much that it’s affected my ability to think straight. I’d know Tiernan fucking anywhere.

Before the match is even over, Vivian gestured for us to join her.

“Come with me, girls,” she said. “We have to keep you safe.”

Did she know something I didn’t? A minute later, as we followed her to the exit, the crowd began to scream and boo. The man was pummeling him, fists flying with a viciousness that went beyond a ring brawl. He’s came here to hurt him, maybe even kill him. I looked quickly around, only to find that bastard, Tiernan’s opponent, brandishing a fucking weapon.

I froze. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even bloody breathe, as I saw him attacking to kill. I was dimly aware of the crowd’s screams of fury, but I shoved them out of my consciousness. My only focus was Tiernan.

“He’s going to kill him!” I scream, but my shouts are drowned by the sounds of the crowd around me. I shoved off hands that reach for me, pushing my way toward the ring like a bloody maniac. What the fuck would I do if I get there? I couldn’t make it, of course, security guards holding me back.

“Aisling!” Klara grabs me and drags me back. She’s stronger than I realized. I try to shove her off, but she pulls me alongside her and Miss Vivian.

“He’ll kill him! He bloody will!” I scream, not even bothering to try to hide my crazy.

“He won’t, lass,” Karla says gently, though her touch is anything but. “Have a wee looksie, will you?” She jerks her chin to the ring. “His brothers are here. No one will harm him.”

And then the crowd goes wild, and even Karla stops jerking me away. Tiernan’s turned the match. He’s got the man under him, brandishing his very own weapon against him, and right then, right there, while I’m high as a fucking kite on drugs and adrenaline, my heart soars.

He’s bested him. He’s

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