The Thunderbolt - Lori Wilde Page 0,18

close to him and ran a thumb along her jawline. “What it would be like to make love to you.”

Lacy sucked in her breath.

No man had ever spoken so boldly to her. If it had been anyone but Bennett, such a statement would have sent her scampering for cover, but he was entitled to say such things to her. He was her thunderbolt.

“Does that scare you?” His eyes glimmered in the moonlight.

Lacy shook her head.

“Because if that’s not what you want, then say the word. We don’t have to go any further with this...attraction. I know it’s mutual. I see my own longing in your eyes.”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“I want you to know exactly how I feel. You’re a beautiful, vibrant, sexy woman. I want to make love to you so badly that I can taste it. But I won’t take advantage of you. I won’t break your heart. I can offer you nothing but a week.”

Fear raced through her. She peered up, searched his handsome face. His oaken eyes were serious. Bennett was an honest man.

Shouldn’t she be honest with him in return and tell the truth? That she was already well on her way to falling head over heels in love with him? But if she did that, he would bolt. She knew it as surely as her name was Lacy Marie Calder.

“Are you willing, Lacy?” His breath warmed her cheek.

In answer, she brought his hand to her mouth and gently kissed his knuckles. His skin tasted slightly salty and the hairs on the back of his hand tickled her lips.

“Is that a yes?” Bennett asked, his voice husky with pent-up emotions.

“My apartment’s only a few blocks farther,” she said, terrified by her unexpected bravery.

Delight crinkled the corners of his eyes, and Lacy’s stomach pitched.

What exactly was she letting herself in for?

They strolled along, still hand in hand, gazing at the stars, occasionally glancing at the river. She should have been happy and excited, but Lacy wasn’t prepared. Could she really do this? Was she ready to make love to Bennett?

Her body cried yes, yes, yes, and her heart leaped with joy at the thought of their joining.

It was her brain, her common sense held her back. Even though she believed in the thunderbolt and trusted the guidance of her family, a tiny part of her nagged a warning.

Are you sure? Are you truly certain he’s the one? There will be no going back. No undoing this once it’s done.

“Those shoes look uncomfortable,” Bennett said. “You’re having trouble maneuvering in those things.”

“Me? Oh, no. I wear them all the time,” she fibbed, then instantly felt guilty for her additional lie.

“Wearing heels over an inch and a half is bad for your back,” he said.

“I thought men liked women in high heels.” And big hair and oodles of lipstick and eyeliner, at least that was what CeeCee kept telling her.

He slanted a sideways glance at her calves, and a speculative gleam came into his eyes. A gleam that made her shiver with delight.

“Well, the shoes certainly emphasize what nature gave you,” he commented, “but there’s no need to hobble yourself for the sake of either fashion or sex appeal.”

She almost said, “I couldn’t agree with you more.” Instead, she simply nodded and took a deep breath.

“Why don’t you take them off,” he suggested.

“No.” Despite the fact the shoes were chewing the skin off her toes, she shook her head. She would look too silly padding along bare footed beside him. He was already a good head taller than she. “I’m fine.”

“Keep walking then?”

She nodded.

Bennett tucked his arm through hers, and they continued their stroll. Lacy concentrated on each step, cautiously placing her feet on solid ground. She didn’t want to break her neck at this stage of the game. Not when she’d finally gotten him alone.

Except she had a major problem.

Now that she had him, what was she going to do with him?

Through lowered lashes, Lacy peeked surreptitiously at his profile that was cast in shadows, but she could still make out his regal nose, his firm jawline, his masculine lips.

She knew zip about seducing a man beyond what she’d seen on television shows or read online. Game playing was not in her nature, nor was manipulation. She longed for CeeCee and Janet’s advice. They had gotten her into this mess. Where were they when she needed them.

Oh yeah, she’d left them at the bar.

The wind gusted and snatched at the bow in her hair.

She reached back a hand to Copyright 2016 - 2024