Thunder - Willow Summers Page 0,7

been—the usual spiel, right? Getting ready to listen. Nope. She shushed me, then told me how she wanted me to fuck her.”

“I remember the very first time a woman said that to me. I about bust a nut.” Dave looked at the ceiling with a dopey smile. “That was probably the best night of my life. She took me for a pleasure cruise. Blew me under the table and everything.”

“Do I look like a barber?” Dick asked, looking up from his laptop long enough to level an incredulous stare at Dave. “I don’t want to hear this shit.”

“It’s not as hot now, though,” Dave said, ignoring Dick. “I still don’t mind hearing it, but it definitely doesn’t have the same wow factor.”

“What did I just say?” Dick demanded.

“You’re the one who organizes all this,” Dave said. “Don’t you want to know what we get up to?”

“No, I do not,” Dick said, turning back to his computer. “I most certainly do not.”

“Well, you guys are more than welcome to keep up with that sort of demand.” Colton put his hand up in surrender, knowing it was now or never. “But I’m not into it anymore. I’m done. When a woman talks to me like that these days, I’d rather tell her to fuck off and be on my way.”

“Mr. Alpha, is it? Always want to be in control?” Dave grinned.

“No, but I’m tired of being treated like a lap dog.”

“You got a reputation, bro. It comes with the territory.”

“We all got reputations now, so what makes me special?”

“You were the first,” Dick cut in with a dry tone. “You blew their minds before these other dumb shits even learned what their second heads were for. Now you’re a legend, like it or not.”

Dave huffed.

“Are you denying it?” Dick stared Dave down.

“Did I say anything?” Dave threw up his hands.

Dick prolonged his scowl before going back to his computer.

“Whatever.” Colton took a step toward the door. “Regardless, we’ve been over this. I made it very clear. I’m cool with a date. I’ll be an escort, an ear for a lonely heart—whatever. But a firm hug is my limit. It’s not working, so I’m out.”

“Kid, I’m trying to vet them, but women are after the thunder between their thighs.” Dick jabbed a finger at him, giving the keyboard a break. “That’s you. What can I do?”

“It sounds filthy when you say it,” Dave said with a straight face.

“Why else do you think they call him Thunder?” Dick demanded.

“I know why he’s nicknamed Thunder. They know my boy swings a giant cock and hits the ladies just right. My point is, it sounds dirty when you say it.”

“Haven’t you got somewhere to be?” Dick asked, turning back to his computer.

“Yeah. Here. Catching up with you.” Elbow resting on the counter, Dave leaned his chin on his fist, staring at Dick. “So how was your day?”

“It was going great until you came along and started sweating all over my counter.”

“Uh huh. And how does that make you feel?”

“Like poisoning your protein shakes, that’s how it makes me feel.”

“Have you seen anyone for your rage issues?”

“Yeah. The gun dealer around the corner.”

Dave tsked. “That is not a PC joke. You’ll get voted off the island with that one.”

Dick shook his head. “You need to be drowned in a bathtub.”

Colton couldn’t help laughing. The absolute crap these guys came up with was awe-inspiring. He checked his watch. “Hey, I have to get out of here.”

“Wait a minute,” Dick said. “Let’s talk about this.”

“I meant what I said. I’m out,” Colton repeated, now halfway to the door.

“How big is his wait list at this point?” Dave asked.

“He’s got forty-six women waiting in line,” Dick replied. “They don’t want a substitute—I offered. They want the real thing, and they are offering more than asking price. I really wish he had a twin just sprung from prison who would want to take care of a woman a day. That would make it rain, boys. We’d be set for life.”

“You’re pissed about me sharing my experiences, but you talk about throwing inmates at our clientele?” Dave straightened up, flaring his arms out, probably still tingling from the workout. “I worry about you, Dick. I really do.”

Dick shrugged. “I’m just looking at what’s best for the business.”

“An inmate imposter is best for the business?”

“It is if it makes it rain.”

“Stop saying that. It doesn’t sound cool when you say it.”

Dick shrugged again.

“So those women are all waiting for Colton to reverse his Copyright 2016 - 2024