Thunder - Willow Summers Page 0,56

waitress walked among the patrons, mostly men, taking orders.

Colton took a seat in the empty chair and set his phone on the sticky surface.

“Found your evening open, did you?” Dave asked. Noah and Ethan, another of their friends in BD, smirked before returning their attention to the game.

The waitress showed up immediately, showering Colton with smiles. She laid down a bar mat. “What can I get you?”

“Two two-dollar drafts.” Ethan raised his glass.

“In case you think hell has frozen over,” Noah said, glancing at Ethan, “he isn’t offering to pay. He’s as cheap as ever; he’s just turned a corner in sounding generous.”

Colton grinned. Ethan was one of the most generous people they knew…unless it was just the four of them getting drinks. Then Ethan liked to play a game of dodging the check. It was the most absurd thing.

“Yup.” Ethan winked at the bartender, followed by a slow smile. Teamed with his heavy-lidded bedroom eyes, the girls loved it. “I’d love another.”

“Sure. Of course.” She blushed furiously.

“Sierra Nevada, please.” Colton checked his phone, something that had become an obsessive habit.

Dave noticed.

“Still hasn’t called in the last few seconds, huh? What about the five seconds before that? Did she call then?” He raised his glass for the bartender. “Thanks, darlin’.”

Noah nodded when she asked him. When she was gone, he said, “Darlin’?”

Dave barked out laughter. “I had to hit a country bar the other night, and this one guy was picking up on this girl using darlin’. I tried it. Worked like a charm. The girl on my arm ate it up.”

“BD girl or normal girl?” Ethan asked. “There’s a difference. BD girls are expecting more. Hell, they’re paying for it; they should. Still, darlin’ might not work for a paying customer.”

“She was a paying customer, but a little bit country. I’ll try it on another client and report back.” Dave finished off his pint.

“Don’t bother. I’m not going to run around calling people darlin’.” Noah huffed.

“You will if it lets you coast.” Ethan slid his hand through the air. “I’m all about coasting.”

“Coasting screwed me with Madison,” Colton said without thinking. He dropped his hand away from his phone. “In case you care.”

“You’re really into that chick, huh?” The humor drained from Dave’s eyes. “Like, in in.”

“Not right now, he’s not.” Noah laughed. “He’s out out because he turned her down, then tried to go crawling back. Chew on it, bro.”

“The mighty Thunder is hoping lightning really does strike twice.” Ethan threw a big arm over the small overhang of his chair. For most people, that setup would’ve been awkward. Not for Ethan. He could make lounging work anywhere. Put him in a beach resort and he was the coolest dude in the place. He was the number one pick for beachside weddings and events.

“Stick with the wink. Poetry doesn’t suit you,” Dave said. Ethan smiled, unaffected.

“She’s cool, though,” Noah said as the waitress hurried over with their drinks. “Smart as hell.”

“You should all know that I had Dick take my name off.” Colton moved his phone so the lady could set down his beer. He clicked the home button. Nothing came up. “I said I was out, and I meant it. Totally done. Dick is emailing the ladies on the wait list to see if they want anyone else.”

“I got five requests in the last hour,” Dave said, not moving for his phone. “My price is going up. Supply and demand.”

“I’m in with that. I got seven in the last hour.” Ethan flashed that smile at the waitress. “What are you doing later tonight, by the by?”

“Um.” She bit her lip as she set Noah’s drink down.

“I’m not busy, if you want to hook up. Just let me know. You can give me a ride home.” Ethan settled his arms on the table and leaned toward her on both forearms, forcing her to put his beer between them, into his space. “I’m on your time, sweetheart.”

She giggled, her face as red as her shoes. “Here’s your…drink.” She shrugged, trying, and failing, to hide her delight.

“Thank you.” He watched her walk away, giving her his complete focus for a moment, then returned to lounging. “She is going to be grateful for my cock.”

Noah snorted into his beer and pulled back, choking with laughter. He beat on his chest with his fist. A smile crept up Ethan’s face.

Colton laughed, too, shaking his head. This was why he’d done the gigs for so long. The easy, fun, blasé feel of it, Copyright 2016 - 2024