Thunder - Willow Summers Page 0,20

her beautiful face. “Usually not, and why would that be offensive?”

She went back to what she was doing, taking her attention with her. He nearly reached for her chin to tilt it toward him and regain her focus.

Overbearing much, Colton?

“Offensive because I’m pretty sure it’s a bad thing when men leave money on the bedside table as they leave. I think I heard that somewhere.”

“That’s for a mistress.” He held out his arm when she was ready, even though she no longer needed it. “For a sexual escort situation, which this is not, extra money left behind would be a bonus.”

She waved his arm away. “I’m okay now, thanks. My feet are nearly at a natural angle.”

Back at the car, he handed her inside and smiled when she threw her old heels in the back. Some women would kill for that pair of heels. Madison couldn’t be bothered. They didn’t serve a purpose, and so to her, they were now useless.

“What are the terms of endearment you like?” he asked when they were once again on their way. The reception would likely start in the next fifteen minutes. They should arrive soon afterward, showing their relative indifference to the affair.

“Don’t call me dumpling, whatever you do. Frank called me that all the time, even though I told him not to.”

“And Frank is?”

“My recent ex.”

“Right. What about Maddie? Do people generally call you that?”

“Only that ass James. The guy whose wedding we’re going to. My parents never did, so it was his pet name for me that no one else used.”

Colton smiled as they got closer. That made things easier.


“Just relax, okay?” Colton said as he walked around the car, smooth and confident, like he had everything under control. “You be you, and I’ll run interference and make you look good.”

She blew out a breath as he reached her. Jitters worked through her in the failing light. “We’re really late.”

“Nah.” He glanced at the building behind him, a square establishment at the edge of a row of other hotels. “They had to usher people around, take pictures—we’re fine. I’ve been to a great many weddings. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.”

She smiled at his teasing tone, starting when he put his warm hands on her shoulders, a stark contrast to the chill of the air. It wasn’t until they were turning into the parking lot that she’d realized she’d also forgotten her wrap. She was horribly unprepared for this.

“Stop groaning,” he whispered, stepping a little closer. Invading her space. “It’ll be fine.”

Another deep breath later, she nodded. “It’s not like this really matters, anyway. He has no impact on my life.”

“Exactly, but it’ll still feel good to rub his face in it.”

She laughed and felt like leaning into his comforting warmth. Letting him wrap those big arms around her and hug her close.

As if reading her mind, he enveloped her in his arms, his body so warm and hard and grounding…and exquisite smelling. Closing her eyes, she slipped her hands into his jacket and around his middle, taking a moment to be cocooned by this strong man who would hopefully take on the world for her so she didn’t have to. She just didn’t feel up to it.

“Are you ready to get used to my touching you?” His voice rumbled deep in his chest, sending pleasant shivers through her body.

“Since this is touching, I’m a little nervous about what you might mean. Fucking me on the cake table needs to wait until all else is lost.”

His hands flattened on her back. “This is what it feels like when a stranger almost gropes you.” His humor eased her nerves, but did nothing to dismiss the fierce shivers that raced across her body when his hands slid down her bare skin. Heat licked at her center as his hands continued their downward course, at the small of her back now and not stopping. She closed her eyes as his fingertips skimmed the swell of her butt. Her core tightened painfully. His hands stopped traveling.

“You can touch my butt this once,” she said in a heavy voice she barely recognized. “Just in case you need to mark your territory, or whatever.”

Mark your territory? What had possessed her to say that?

But as his hands slid lower and cupped her butt cheeks, that fire straight burned through her middle. His light squeeze pushed a moan from her lips.

“That okay?” he asked softly, his breath falling across her cheek. All she’d have to do was turn Copyright 2016 - 2024