Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,86

He adjusted his glasses as he pulled me against his chest. “Would you like me to heal that?”

I considered him for a moment. “It surprised me,” I answered honestly, looking down at it. It ached now. I knew it would bruise, the color already darkening. He hadn’t broken the skin, but the marks from his teeth were evident. “I like it though. I like that you marked me. I don’t want you to heal it.”

“Good.” He kissed my head. “I like it too.”

I chuckled. “Then next time I’ll bite you.”

“Any time, my kitten.” His hands smoothed over my hair. “You know the others aren’t opposed to your fantasies. Taking you as a group. They are simply allowing you time to get used to the idea.”

I nodded. “Yeah. I figure we have time to try a lot of different things, but right now I like going with what’s happening naturally.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do. I just want to make sure that if you want one of us, you know you don’t have to wait for us to come to you, nor do you have to tease us into a game.” He nibbled my ear in punishment. “If you want sex, ask. Don’t be ashamed to come to any of your lovers.” He chuckled, pulling my blanket over us when I yawned again. “None of us will turn you away.”

“Yeah, yeah, oh wise and mighty Mr. Cole,” I murmured. “I get it.”

“Sleep now, kitten,” he purred. “You’ve done enough changing the world for now.” As I began to drift off, he lightly bit my shoulder. “But don’t think I’ve forgotten about your punishment for jumping off the roof.” I fell asleep with a smile on my face and my lover’s heartbeat in my ear.

Epilogue - Pixie

“Long day, love?” Shannon asked, brushing a kiss across my forehead.

“The longest,” I replied with a sigh, smiling up at her as I opened my eyes. “Yours?”

“Long, but productive.” She curled into the couch beside me. It had been two months since the battle on Ocean Mist’s territory and the inclusion of Starlight Woods Pack into ours. Luna had been correct that Gwyar abused his role as alpha of the pack—many of them were still skittish of anyone but the omegas.

“Mmm, sounds like a good day.” I glanced at the clock on the bookcase. I hadn’t realized it was already close to midnight—at least I had an excuse for dozing off with my notebook on my chest this time. “Think the others will be up soon?”

“I’m sure they will,” Shannon assured me. “You know they’ve missed you as much as I have, it’s been hard spending our days apart.”

I shifted as the door opened, the sounds of bickering pouring in with Zev and Chann. “What’s this?” I teased. “Somebody not sharing the last lollipop?”

“Hey, Tinkerbell,” Chann greeted, leaning over the couch to plant a quick kiss on my lips. “The pups were asking about you.”

“Tell them I’ll be down tomorrow afternoon,” I promised. “Are Borris and Zelda still doing okay with them?” The pair had insisted that they remain as the guardians of the pups while Chann and Shannon trained in other aspects of the omega duties, claiming it was their right as the grandparents of the pack and that handling the pups kept them young. Personally, I thought Chann was grateful, especially after Zelda had made him buy her a new vase to replace the one that had been broken when he’d been in charge of the pups in her absence.

“Always,” Chann answered. “Borris and I were going through some of the diplomacy issues today. It was pretty interesting.” He yawned before heading to the cupboards for a snack, and Zev took his chance to steal a kiss.

“How about you, Beta?” I inquired with a wink.

“Coming along.” He sighed, flopping down onto the couch across from me. “I don’t want to put too much pressure on Luna.” He grimaced, shaking his head. Luna’s ability to see into the heart of other wolves—no matter how far they were from us—was potent, but the pup was only six. None of us wanted to force her to grow up too fast. For the moment, we were sticking to more conventional ways of watching for danger and forging alliances.

“I was working on enrollment for the academy,” I told him. “A lot of packs have reached out about it despite the new coursework we’re requiring.” Mandatory classes covering species history, antidiscrimination, and related topics had caused quite a stir from those who hadn’t been involved in the battle at Ocean Mist.

“It’s still amazing to think that so many packs don’t believe what happened,” Chann muttered around a mouthful of cereal as he dropped into a chair.

“It’s only been a few months. Give it time. A lot of them are probably just in denial. We had witnesses there from so many different packs, there were allies from almost everywhere.” I shrugged. “Eventually someone has to believe it.”

“Or Luna will make them believe,” Shannon murmured.

“Ian and Alarick?” I questioned with another glance at the clock. Our schedules had been insane with all of the new duties, even spread amongst all of us, but I hated going to bed without a few minutes spent as a group each day. There would be time for us to be one-on-one, and time for sex or play, but this time as a unit, with just the six of us, was its own special moment that needed to be nurtured just as carefully.

“They’re coming,” Zev promised me, rubbing his eyes. “They stopped to check on Raff.”

I groaned. “What’s he doing now?”

“Besides trying to plan your mating ceremony?” Zev asked blandly, nearly making me fall off the couch. Chann sputtered, spilling cereal all over himself as Zev howled with laughter.

“What?” I screeched, scrambling up.

“Apparently we missed something,” Ian rumbled, and I glanced at the door where he and Alarick took in the scene.

“Did you know your father is apparently planning a mating ceremony?” I seethed.

Alarick shrugged. “I hid his laptop, it’ll delay him for a bit.”

“I’m not ready for a mating,” I reminded them, pointing at each in turn. They all just smiled as I groaned. “You’re all horrible.”

“You love us, kitten,” Ian reminded me, scooping me off the floor to kiss me, his hand threading into my hair. He nipped my lip hard before passing me to Alarick.

“More and more every day,” I conceded, as Alarick pulled his mouth from mine. “I never thought Lupine Hollow would be my home, and now I can’t imagine who I would have been if I hadn’t come here. I love all of you so much.”

“We all love you,” Alarick whispered, kissing me quickly before setting me back on my feet. “Do you want forever with us, Penny?”

“Well, let’s see…” I murmured, smiling as I looked at them each in turn, letting them see the love in my eyes. “I have five werewolves who love me, a pack who I’m proud of, and a goddess in training I’m helping to raise while we try to make the world a better place. Yeah, I’d say that sounds like a good way to spend forever.”

About the Author

Quinn Arthurs is an international bestselling author of reverse harem books. She drinks far too much coffee and is a complete nerd — jumping from one crazy fandom to another. She believes in the magic of the written word, which is why her stories tend to involve the paranormal, so she can bring the crazy worlds in her head to lifer ten if just for a short while. You can stalk her on Facebook at and, on Instagram at, and on Twitter at @QuinnArthurs6

Also by Quinn Arthurs

Like what you’ve read? Other books by Quinn:

Phoenix Rising Series:

Born of Embers

Hidden in Smoke

Spark of Intent

Forged in Flames

Blaze of Wrath

Changed by Fire

Glimmer of Cinders

Beauty in Ashes (Releasing October 24, 2020)

Jeweled Wings Series:

The Valkyries’ Princes

The Valkyrie’s Queen

The Faerie Wars Series:

The Guardian

The Fae Witch

The DeWitt Sisters Series:

Sliding Into Love

Diving Into Love (Coming Soon)

Blood Throne Series:

Reign of Nightmares (Releasing October 30, 2020)

Lupine Hollow Academy Series:

Flower Moon Rising

Strawberry Moon Climbing

Thunder Moon Ascending Copyright 2016 - 2024