Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,63

head. “Yeah-huh.” He began to cry in earnest again, turning back into me.

“Shannon,” Alarick called, gesturing to Owein. Shannon sat beside us on the floor before reaching up through the slats of the rocking chair, taking Owein’s hands. Her eyes began to glow, and I knew she was using her power to help calm Owein so he’d be able to speak with us. He sniffled a few times and smiled at her, and she sent a reassuring smile back. “Alright, pup. I know you’re frightened. I’m sorry that you are, that any of my pack are, but that’s why we’re here, so that you can talk to us. Can you tell us now?” He subtly waved a hand, and I knew Pixie would be using my brother’s power, analyzing every word Owein said.

He cuddled in close to me and squeezed Shannon’s hand. “I told Omega Chann that I killed Alpha Raff. I thought Beta Pixie was going to come and kill me because I was a traitor like they said Borris was since he got killed for giving Alpha Raff the poison.”

“Well, that’s silly for several reasons,” Alarick began gently. “First, my father isn’t dead. Second, neither is Borris. Third, even if Borris had died, Pixie wouldn’t have killed him. Can you tell me where you heard any of that?”

He shrugged. “All over. A lot of the wolves say it in bits and pieces.”

“They told you my beta was coming to kill you?” Alarick pressed.

He cocked his head, considering the question. “No, I guess not,” he replied slowly. “They just said that Borris had gotten himself killed by Pixie for being a traitor and killing Alpha Raff.”

“And you thought you killed Alpha Raff,” Alarick surmised, settling onto the floor to see him better.

“I did kill him.” He paused. “Well, I did until he wasn’t dead. I mean, I thought I did.”

“Did you put poison in his food, Owein?” Alarick’s question was gentle as he placed his hands on his lap.

“No!” Owein objected immediately.

“Did you go to the convention to help Borris drug anyone?” Alarick asked him.

“No,” Owein answered, shaking his head. “I can’t go anywhere, I’m just a pup.”

“Did you give Borris the poison to give to my father?” Alarick had his head cocked now, considering the boy as though searching for something.

“No,” he sputtered. “Where would I get poison?” He looked at me like the question was insane, not that I blamed him.

“Owein, can you tell me how you thought you were responsible for killing Alpha Raff? Because if you didn’t give anyone poison, or go to the convention, or put the poison in his food, I’m not quite sure I understand how you’re responsible.” Owein froze on my lap, looking frantically between us, a whimper slipping through his lips.

Alarick’s eyes were sharp as he stared at Owein. “Owein, did you do something to Borris before he left to go with my father?”

“Yes,” he whispered. Pixie’s wide eyes met mine, the green in them bright as she nodded, confirming the truth of his statement.

Alarick sighed, reaching up to rub his temple. “Apparently we need to pay more attention to the pups’ powers,” he muttered. “I take it you have a form of manipulation, Owein.” The boy nodded jerkily.

“Owein, for my power to work, you have to use words, okay?” Pixie reminded him gently.

“Yes. It’s manipulation, I guess. But I don’t have to keep looking at a person to hold it, I just have to plant the idea,” he told us, squeezing Shannon’s hand tightly.

“Please tell me what idea you planted, pup.” Alarick’s voice was so tired, and I couldn’t blame him. Owein wasn’t even eight years old yet.

“It wasn’t supposed to be bad!” Owein cried out. “It wasn’t supposed to hurt anyone!”

“Shannon,” Alarick barked, and Owein calmed more, breathing deeply. “It’s okay, pup,” he rumbled. “I just need to know.”

“She just wanted to say she was sorry,” he said, his dark eyes huge in his pale face. “She missed me and wanted to be able to see us again. She thought if Borris would let her in, she could talk to him and he’d help her say sorry. Borris is good at helping us apologize, he says it’s important.” He looked at us pleadingly. “I just had to make it so Borris and the guards didn’t recognize how she looked or smelled so they couldn’t say no when she asked to see Alpha Raff. It only had to last for the week, she said, just to get through the Copyright 2016 - 2024