Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,40

in prison for her death by any means he wanted. Supposedly, he’s treated like a king inside. I wouldn’t really know.” I tried to remember what I knew of the accident. She’d been T-boned, I’d told my friends that. He’d been drinking at the time. Enough to basically walk away.

“He couldn’t have known I’d go out,” I whispered. “He couldn’t have known I’d sneak out.” Panic was filling me to match the anger. “You’re lying.” Did I want him to be?

Lyle laughed, the sound echoing off the cars. “Little girls are so casual about their phones. They leave them on mall tables or desks or in cars where any enterprising soul can get to them. He’d been following you and your mom for some time. He knew she’d come looking for you when you snuck out. He stayed behind her, that vodka bottle in his car, drinking away. When he was good and loose, he circled around the block and…” He trailed off with a shrug. My wolf roared in my ears, a sound my friends echoed down the bond. Without Ari’s command, I knew they would have been on him in moments. “I would have thought he would be more direct, but what works, works. He stayed in that car, drinking to raise his blood alcohol before the police arrived.” A nasty smile worked across his lips, his eyes flashing as he leaned in to whisper, “He thought he’d have to get out and smother her, did he tell you that? They said she died on impact, but they lied to the poor little orphan girl. She cried for you. He told my boss.”

I was trembling so hard I wasn’t sure how I was still on my feet. Only Alarick’s command kept my form intact, my eyes human. From the strain I could feel down the bond, I wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to hold us all. Honestly, I was shocked he’d managed all of us this long, not to mention his own level of self-control.

I will kill him, Penny. Alarick’s voice was a blade of ice as he whispered the threat. All of you, shift and dress, but do not breach the tree line until I say so. We cannot reveal what we are.

Mine. My wolf howled the vow, circling inside me as she lunged again and again at Lyle.

“I’d planned on letting you go back to that little school of yours,” he muttered, rolling up his sleeves as he took in my trembling. “But now seems as good of a time as any. Poor little Penelope, so lost to her pain. Only her long-lost uncle to post missing flyers and mourn her passing.”

“You’re wrong,” I hissed. “I have friends now. Family. I’m not the broken little girl you found and exploited.”

He laughed, the sound oily and wrong. “Oh, yes. I’m sure. Two months at a new school and you have ‘family.’” The guy even made air quotes. “I’m sure the police will be quick to believe them over your grieving uncle, your only true blood relative. Especially with your history and the proof from your old school.” He snorted with contempt. “I should have done this from the beginning. Now, we’re going to drive to the school, and you’re going to quietly gather your mother’s jewelry and a bag of your belongings, and leave a note telling them that you just can’t do this anymore. If you see anyone, you will make an excuse that you are tired and pretend to go to bed.” His eyes were hard as he glared at me.

“And, Penelope, just remember if any of your friends start to make trouble up at that school, I’ll have to tell my friends you go there, that you have friends there, and suggest they pay a visit. A few nights of staking the place out, slipping inside the building…” He shrugged his shoulders. “A school isn’t that hard to infiltrate, even with a headmaster the size of Mr. Temples.” His eyebrows wrinkled at the memory. “I’m sure we can make a few accidents happen if you decide not to be good for your new handlers, hm?” His fist lashed out, landing a blow to my stomach that had me taking a step back. The man didn’t know how to throw a punch, that was for sure.

Now, Alarick snarled, and I felt the hold on the others release, though mine remained. Even as Lyle moved to strike me again, hands grabbed him, holding him Copyright 2016 - 2024