Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,2

get some kind of freebie there? My wolf growled her agreement in my head, she was as done with this as I was. The dark thoughts rattling in my mind were side effects of the hunger and anger plaguing me and the overlong training lessons Ian was insisting on. I was exhausted, sweaty, sore, and running on empty.

After my duel on the last full moon, Ian had petitioned Raff to have my regular schoolwork pushed to the side for the remainder of the summer to allow me time to physically train for the upcoming threat. Raff had immediately agreed, and Ian had been taking full advantage. While Ian was hot as hell, I had also found out he could be a little bit insane when it came to training those under his protection. He’d been a taskmaster in our prior sessions, but he’d far surpassed that. Now, he turned every spare moment into a lesson.

I’d been woken at three this morning when I’d been yanked unceremoniously from my bed with sharp teeth digging lightly into my ankle. I’d shifted without thought, my wolf jumping to the surface with a snarl and lunging for the attacker before I had even realized it was Ian, his scent masked by something. When he’d pounced, herding me into the hallway where Alarick and Chann had waited, their scents masked as well, his intent had been clear—another game of capture and escape. The sun was now peeking over the horizon, and despite the hours that had passed, I’d managed to slip away from the circling wolves and make my way back to the front doors of the academy. My wolf huffed her approval of our win and pushed me to shift back to our human form to re-enter the academy and head in for breakfast.

I hesitated however. While I’d braved nudity in front of others before due to the necessity of the situation, I was still far from comfortable in doing so on a regular basis, especially when I was as sweaty and disgusting as I was at the moment. Besides, I was sure the others would be joining me shortly, and I was hopeful that, considering they had planned this, they would also have planned for clothing. A large shape barreled into me, and I snarled when Zev pinned me, his reddish-brown fur mingling with the rainbow of my own.

Shouldn’t have let your guard down, he scolded through our mental link. They had been keeping their minds walled off during our exercise, preventing me from hearing them.

I made it to the entry, I won, I retorted, nipping him in punishment for the tackle that left me covered in dirt and bruises. His wolf snarled, his green eyes flashing, as he nipped in return, using his weight to press me down further. His wolf was larger than mine. I could release my magic, command him to get off of me, but that wasn’t the point of the exercise. Plus, you like him on top of you, a traitorous voice whispered in my mind. God, I hoped that thought hadn’t gone across the bond. From the glint in his eye, however, I guessed I wasn’t that lucky. Story of my life lately.

There is no such thing as a safe zone. Ian’s voice was icy as his black wolf slunk like a shadow from the tree line. Your enemy is not going to allow you to rest merely because you have returned home.

I think I’ve gotten that. I glared at Ian as well as I could from under Zev. Get off. I let my magic push the words from me, and Zev instantly jumped backwards, leaping from my body as I pushed to my feet. I shook out my fur as I turned to face Ian, lifting my chin. I’m going to get something to eat.

We’re not done training, Ian snapped.

I am. I pushed into a shift, not bothering to look back as I strode through the doors, completely naked, with my head held high despite the smell I was sure was wafting from me and the dirt marring my skin. I needed food and sleep before I dealt with any of them again. I knew Chann and Zev were following me, I could sense them behind me even in this form. I was sure a blush mantled my cheeks as I passed other pack members, though most angled their heads down in deference and murmurs of ‘Beta’ and ‘Omega’ rang softly to my ears as we Copyright 2016 - 2024