Thunder Moon Ascending (Lupine Hollow Academy #3) - Quinn Arthurs Page 0,13

to be, did I? Did anyone hear me say anything about why I wasn’t in charge?” I knew sarcasm dripped from my words, and I didn’t bother waiting for them to answer. “I didn’t ask to be in charge. I asked that my opinion be taken into consideration rather than instantly being dismissed or ignored.”

Chann handed me a plate piled high with food, and I gave him a small smile of thanks before hopping up onto the counter to eat. The food was hot and filling, and I forced myself to eat slowly rather than scarfing it down the way I wanted to.

“You have no experience with this world or with this type of training,” Alarick pointed out, though there was an edge to his voice that had me studying him.

“I have experience with myself, however, and experience with Lyle.” I forked up another bite of the steak, and Zev tossed me a bottle of water I managed to catch with ease. Score one for training and werewolf agility. I sighed, looking at the still half-full plate. The thought of Lyle, and the message I needed to tell them about was enough to sour my stomach, but I pushed through it. I needed the nutrition too badly to waste any food, no matter the circumstances. “Speaking of Lyle, he called again.” Though I kept my tone light, the words caused a resounding series of growls to sweep the room. “Texted too.” Though my words were muffled by the eggs in my mouth, Alarick was on me in an instant, sliding the phone from my pocket even as I yelped and smacked him with my fork.

“Personal zone!” I scolded, waving the fork at his face as he rolled his eyes. Technically, he had been all up in my personal zone several days ago, but still…

A scowl carved itself into Alarick’s expression as he read the message before he tossed the phone to Ian. Ian repeated the gesture with Zev and then Chann as they each reviewed the message. I ignored them, finishing my food and setting the plate aside.

“You got another call hours ago and you didn’t bother to tell us?” Ian was practically vibrating with rage now as he tugged off his suit jacket, tossed it over the back of the chair, and paced back and forth in front of me. “Then you have the audacity to ask why you’re not being consulted during training?”

I pulled my shoulders back, though I didn’t bother getting down from the counter. “First of all, I was asleep when I got this. Second, one has nothing to do with the other considering I have no control over when he contacts me. You know, at this rate I could just go meet with him myself. You all think I’m an idiot anyhow.”

Ian froze before turning slowly on his heel to stare at me as he unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up to expose his muscular forearms. “Alarick. Chann. Zev. Can you give me a few minutes with Ms. Miller alone, please?” His chocolate eyes flashed behind the black frames of his glasses. “I think there are a few points I need to make clear to her.” His words were a deadly whisper as he straightened his vest, making it lie perfectly across his chest.

Alarick considered him for a moment before inclining his head, ushering the twins out with a wave of his arm. Well now, this was going to be interesting. The study door shut behind them with a soft click as Ian prowled across the space in front of me, pacing back and forth, his heated gaze devouring me.

“So exactly what point did you want to try to make?” I drawled, kicking my legs lightly against the cabinets. My pulse was pounding so hard I was sure it was visible against the thin skin at my wrists and throat, but I wasn’t afraid. I was exhilarated, angry, aroused even, and ready for a fight, but I was definitely not afraid of Ian.

“You will not go meet with that human on your own.” His wolf pushed into his words, turning them into a snarl so thick they were hard to understand.

“I believe I said I could, not that I would,” I pointed out, faking a yawn even as heat prickled over my skin.

Ian leaned forward, caging me in with his arms. “Are you telling me you weren’t thinking about it? That your taunt was merely to piss us off and not because it was Copyright 2016 - 2024