Through the Lens - K.K. Allen Page 0,91

her. Jeez. I haven’t even touched her yet, and my hands are shaking just looking at her in that dress. Her half-ponytail is still intact and falling down the middle of her back. With a sweep of my hands, I place the locks over her shoulder before taking hold of the pink fabric between two fingers and gripping the zipper with my other hand. Then I bring the metal down slowly.

Inch by inch, metal teeth unfasten, parting against flawless dark-olive skin and the strapless white clasp of a bra. I lean down and press a kiss to her shoulder, an innocent reaction to the proximity of her. But the way her hair spikes in the area I just kissed tells me she didn’t consider it so innocent. I kiss her again between her shoulder blades, then again on her other shoulder, until I’ve hit the base of her zipper. The fancy fabric she’s wearing spreads open wide.

I take in a breath and lean back slightly to peer down her back and confirm what I already know is true. Her plump ass is now uncovered except for her white panties, which are really just a scrap of lace that separates her cheeks. The sight is enough to send my erection jolting to life in mere seconds.

“Shit,” I say on an exhale. “I think I went too far. I’m sorry.”

She tosses me a look over her shoulder, her eyes shining with amusement. “I’m sure you’re used to seeing plenty of asses.” She winks. “We’re good.”

Fuck me.

She starts to take a step back toward her door, but if she thinks I’m going to let her walk away after that comment, she’s very wrong. My hand slides beneath the rose-gold fabric of her dress and circles her waist. I lay a palm on her flat stomach and then bring her back to me in one quick move. I’m rock hard against her ass while I press my mouth to her ear and growl, “What is that supposed to mean?”

She shivers in my hold, and her hand covers mine at her stomach from over her dress. “It means you’ve been around the block, Desmond. I’m nothing special to you.”

Anger and excitement fuel me like gasoline on a fire. I’m angry that she feels the need to constantly make assumptions about me and excited because all I want to do is prove her wrong. “Oh, Maggie, you have no fucking idea what you are to me.” I press my mouth against the nape of her neck. “You’re everything I shouldn’t want, but I do. You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up in the morning. And you’re the only woman I saw at that wedding tonight. That’s what you are to me, Maggie Stevens. What am I to you?”

Her breaths have shallowed, and I can hear her heartbeat speed at the sound of my voice. “You’re my boss.” She whispers the words so faintly that I almost miss them. “And my landlord.”

My hand slips lower until I reach the lace band of her panties. “Is that all?”

I start to lift my hand away from her skin when she starts to shake her head. “No.” Her words are still small, but they’re firmer now, unquestionable.

I dip back down, this time below her panty line, until I’m slipping between her folds and feeling what I already knew existed. “So wet,” I rasp before nipping at her neck. Maggie wants me, and I’m not the type of guy who plans on letting her down. “How long have you been wet for me?” She sucks in a ragged breath, but no words follow, so I punish her by circling her clit with agonizing slowness. “How long, Maggie?” I demand again.

“All night.”

Her confession is enough, but that’s not all she gives me. I’m still rubbing her clit when her ass rubs against my cock like she’s trying to get me off through our clothes. Wait, my brain screams. This isn’t how tonight is supposed to go. Groaning, I remove my finger and slowly pull my hand out of her dress. Then I grip her small waist and swivel her to face me.

She’s breathing heavily, and so am I. It’s all the confirmation I need to lean in and slide my tongue across her bottom lip and then her top one, slowly, deliberately, gliding and dipping at the bow. When my lips leave hers, she shudders. I press her to me, my fingers caressing her bare skin at her Copyright 2016 - 2024