Through the Lens - K.K. Allen Page 0,125

months later

Golden Gardens Park is packed like it is on any sunny day—hot or cold. Families are picnicking on the beach, fisherman are trying their luck on the pier, hikers are steadily making their way through the forest trails, dogs are running without restraint of their leashes, and boats are being launched on Puget Sound and gathering near the shore.

I am currently setting up the last of the decorations at our reserved campsite to celebrate the launch of Desmond’s new cookbook. Not only is his book filled with never-before-seen live action photos, but it’s packed with all the scratch cooking and farm-to-table tips Desmond would normally give in his classes.

Monica, who has been helping me decorate before everyone arrives, just plopped down at one of the picnic benches and is flipping through one of the bridal magazines that practically lives in her purse. She’s obsessed with finding the perfect everything for her wedding. A wedding she’s only just now started to plan. Between art school and Zach’s football schedule, they didn’t want to rush anything, so taking the past year to enjoy their engagement before adding in the wedding stress was something they agreed to.

“I’m thinking a spring wedding, what do you think?” Monica flips to another page and studies it like she’s done all the others. “I can do all the planning while he’s in season, and then we’ll have all that time to be together as newlyweds during the off-season.” She snaps her head to me and her eyes brighten. “Newlyweds. Can you believe it, Mags?”

I smile and rest my shoulder against hers. “I can, and I’m so excited to help you plan, but today we’re focused on Desmond’s book launch remember?” I close her magazine and almost feel guilty for the pout-face she makes.

“Fine.” She sighs and stuffs her magazine back in her bag. “But you promised to come to the wedding expo with me next Saturday. Will Desmond be cool with that?”

“Yup,” I say, standing from the bench. “The new assistant is trained and ready. Thank goodness.”

Monica laughs. “You sure gave up your old job fast.”

I bite back my own knowing smile. “Hey, I played assistant for an entire year before I finally handed over the reins.” Even after my promotion, I wasn’t ready to let go of my kitchen duties, but then it all became too much. “I think Raegan will do great. She’s young. She’s passionate about the culinary arts, and she’s into chicks.”

My comment earns me pursed lips and narrowed eyes. “Like you have anything to worry about with Desmond. He’s crazy about you, and you know it.”

“I know, I know. But this way I don’t have to worry about her heart getting broken, walking out, and leaving me to train someone new. No thank you. I love the work I’m doing now. Between the show getting picked up for a second season, all the work I’ve done for Desmond’s book, and the events we’ve been scheduling like crazy, I don’t have the time to assist during classes. Besides, I think that’s a great job for someone who wants to advance their craft, and while I enjoy the whole art of cooking now, it’s not what I want to do all day, every day.”

“I understand, Mags. You don’t have to explain to me. I was just teasing. I’m proud of you.”

My chest swells with pride. “Thanks, M. I’m proud of you, too. Three more quarters of school, and then you’re done. What are you planning to do after graduation?”

Monica shrugs, her permanent smile brighter than ever. “I’m not making any drastic plans. I’ll help out the production department at BelleCurve until I can’t anymore. I’m actually enjoying the side jobs I’ve been getting with personal shopping and custom designing, so I might try to build a brand around that. I’m keeping my options open.”

“Well, keep designing clothes for the show and I’m sure word will get out about your talents.”

Monica’s eyes go wide. “You mean you’re hiring me for season two?”

I laugh at her genuine surprise. “Of course I am. You think I’ll let Faye choose a stylist for me? Not a chance.” I stand and wait for her to join me, just as a few cars pull into the lot. “Oh, they’re starting to arrive.”

Our dad and his wife pull up at the same time as Zach, Gavin, and a newly pregnant Chloe. Soon enough, more guests start to arrive—students from Desmond’s classes, some of the production crew who live locally, Faye, Copyright 2016 - 2024