Through the Ether (Force of Nature Book 5) - Amber Lynn Natusch Page 0,6

Too silent.

And then distant whispers broke it.

The soft murmurs were unintelligible at first, like a bunch of mumbling voices talking over one another, but if I focused hard enough, I could understand a word or two—like ‘Piper’ and ‘come’. I took a step toward the sound, straining to hear more.

“What are you doing?” Reinhardt asked.

“Don’t you hear that?”

“Hear what?” He looked at me like I’d gone mad, and though I was about the only fey royal who hadn’t, I was beginning to wonder if my luck was changing.

I turned to Grizz. “You can hear it, can’t you, buddy?” His ears flickered, trying to home in on the mystery noise. Then they flattened as he shook his head. “What the—”

“We’re going inside. Now,” Reinhardt said, taking my arm and leading me toward the mansion.

“They’re calling my name—”

“All the more reason to head back.”

“I can barely hear them, but I feel like I recognize one of the voices.”

“Your mother is gifted, Piper. Do not think for one second that she doesn’t possess the ability to trick you with magic such as this.”

“I guess you’d know,” I muttered under my breath. My father stopped short and turned me to face him.

“There was a time when she was different. A time when her heart had softened—toward me. But that being is dead and gone, and you must never underestimate her. I know that you’re angry with me—possibly hate me—and I understand why. But I need you to trust me when it comes to your mother. Can you do that?” I took a deep breath and nodded. “Good. Then get inside the mansion and don’t come out until I tell you it’s safe.”

He muttered something about wards and whether he’d ever be able to keep her from the property. I opened my mouth to tell him that we wouldn’t need to when she was dead, but even I didn’t have the hubris to taunt the universe like that. The fey royals and their army were gunning for us, and only one side would remain standing when it was finished.

I prayed it would be ours.

Chapter Three

All eyes were on my father when he strolled into the foyer behind me. Conversations stopped. Mouths gaped. Growls echoed.

The pack wasn’t too thrilled with his presence, especially after what had gone down the last time he’d been in the mansion. He’d been beaten within an inch of his life, or at least that was how it had looked when he’d come to our aid with the fey. I hoped they weren’t planning to try and finish the job.

“Easy, boys,” I said, putting my hands up. “No killing the warlock today.”

“Today?” Reinhardt said with a hint of amusement—the same amusement I used to hear in his voice when he’d train me—when I’d thought he was just my uncle.

I shrugged. “Jury’s still out on your fate.” He stiffened until a slight smile tugged at my lips. “Anyway...” I said, addressing the others. Foust, Jagger, and Brunton had made their way to the front of the crew and looked at me expectantly. They knew me well enough to know I rarely came bearing good news. “Where’s Knox?”

“Upstairs,” Foust answered. “Why? What’s going on?”

“She’s hearing voices,” Reinhardt said on my behalf.

“Pretty sure nobody asked you.” Brunton took a step closer to my father, anger brimming in his harsh stare.

“Are you feeling okay?” Jagger asked. Before I could answer, he said he was going to get Knox and disappeared up the stairs.

“I’m not hearing voices like that,” I said, shooting my father a nasty glare. “I’m hearing voices these two can’t hear.” I indicated Reinhardt and Grizz. Foust and Brunton shared a look of concern, then turned back to me. “No! Not like that! Like, I think they just literally can’t hear them.”

“I’m not sure you’re pleading your case that well,” Foust said. He had the decency to look apologetic for politely calling me nuts.

“Why are you pleading your case at all?” Kat asked as she sashayed into the crowd. She took one look at Reinhardt and her eyes narrowed. “Last time I checked, you’re a grown-ass woman who can bring the world to its knees, Piper, and bitches like that don’t plead their case to anyone. Ever. Is that understood?”

“Who wants to tell me why Jagger just came running into my room rambling about Piper hearing voices?” Knox hurried down the stairs with the ginger wolf and Liam tight on his heels.

His angry glare fell on my father, and his pace increased. I stepped Copyright 2016 - 2024