Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,45

you’re about to be thrown into the deep end. The Kings aren’t going to let the police handle this and sweep it under the rug. Things are happening in the shadows that Joseph was trying to bring to the light.”

“So we think.” The problem was we didn’t really know anything about why Joseph was killed. In the end, we didn’t know a damn thing right now.

“But we’re gonna find out, Dee. And we’re gonna piss off some people when we do.”

“So, we have to stay here because it’s not going to be safe,” I stated. Understanding dawned on me. This was bigger than anything I had ever done before. It was a world I had only heard about.

He reached over and brushed his fingers over my cheek. “Yes, and I will completely understand if you want to walk away right now. My life isn’t all hearts and roses, Dee.”

“It’s motorcycles and bullets,” I whispered.

He nodded. “Yeah, and it’s not going to change anytime soon.”

“But it’s also family, friends, and good times. The bad doesn’t outweigh the good, Point.” I leaned forward. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not really one to sit by idle while the world rushes by me.” I also wasn’t going to run when things got hard. I had done that once and I regretted it more than anything.

“You’ve always been a thrill seeker,” Point laughed. “And that’s something I always loved about you.”

“So, it may be your time to be a bit of a thrill seeker, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to run away.” I smirked. “I’ll probably want to join in on the fun.” Afterall, I was good at my job, and Point was essentially going to do my job when he went looking for whoever killed Joseph.

“Hell no, Dee,” he laughed. “You are not getting any more involved in this than you already are. Right now, we don’t think they were aiming for you, and we’re going to keep it that way.”

I stuck out my bottom lip and pouted. “You don’t let me have any fun, Point.”

“You can have your fun chasing down stories for the news. You’re gonna leave this one to the Kings, though.” His words were firm and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to fight him on this.

Hell, my own brain told me not to fight him.

“Fine,” I sighed. “So, I can’t go home, but I’ll be able to work?” If Point was going to tell me I couldn’t work anymore, I was going to blow a gasket. Tell me I have to stay here, fine.

But make me miss work? Yeah, no. That wasn’t going to happen. Not only was he going to have to figure out who killed Joseph, he was also going to have to worry about me going stir crazy if I was confined to there.

“You’ll still be working, but you’ll have a shadow following you around.”

I rolled my eyes. “I have Pat with me all of the time, Point. Nothing is going to happen to me while I’m working.” He was crazy to think anyone was going to mess with me at work. Hell, I didn’t think I was the target at all when Joseph had been shot. That was literally me being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

He grabbed my waist and lifted me into his lap. “You’re right about that because I’m gonna be with you all of the time. I’m going to be your shadow.”

I groaned and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. “We might be rushing into things here. I’ve been on my own the past three years, and now I’m going to have you attached to my hip?”

“You wanna work, Dee?”

I nodded.

“Then, me or one of the guys is going to be with you.” He brushed my hair from my face. “You might as well just accept it right now. Be a hell of a lot easier.”

I looked past Point at the rest of the club members scattered around the clubhouse. “I’ve never really liked the easy way,” I muttered. A smile spread across my lips. “Do I at least get a say who comes with me?”

“What?” Point laughed. “Is there someone you don’t like? Or is it someone you do like?”

I shook my head. “I mean, I like them all just fine, it’s just that Zephyr seems to be a bit cranky.” I lowered my voice. “I think he needs to get laid or something.” And that was just the honest truth. He just was Copyright 2016 - 2024