Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,43

good time.

Fancy handed me a glass and clinked hers against mine. “Bottoms up, girly. You’re getting thrown into the ol’ lady life headfirst.”

I took a huge gulp and sighed.

At least life wouldn’t be dull being an ol’ lady. The girls would make damn sure of that.


Chapter Eighteen

Our town…


Silence rocked the room.

“What the fuck,” Zephyr breathed out.

While the Royal Bastards had helped us get out from under the Devil’s Rebels, they seemed to have gotten on their bad side. Or so it seemed.

Barracuda’s woman was dead, and all signs pointed to the Devil’s Rebels. Except Barracuda didn’t stick around to do anything about it. He just left.

While his words were harsh and decisive, you could tell he was just hurting. I couldn’t imagine anything hurting Deedra, let alone having her die in my arms. The pain he was feeling was something you didn’t understand unless it happened to you.

“What do you need from us?” Quinn asked. “Anything, and it’s yours.”

Barracuda shrugged and sat back. “I’m not sticking around for long. A couple of nights and I’ll be gone. Just the bed and some food will be all I need.”

While I struggled to understand the hurt Barracuda was going through, I didn’t understand why he just up and left his club.

“Your club know you are here?” Dyno asked.

Barracuda shook his head. “I haven’t talked to any of them in a couple of weeks. You can tell them I’m here. Don’t give a fuck.” What kind of a prez didn’t tell his club where they were?

“Well, you’re welcome to stay here for however long you want. There’s no reason for us to let the Bastards know where you are.” Quinn cleared his throat. “We, unfortunately, have some other shit going on with one of the ol’ ladies.”

Barracuda laughed. His tone changed and we saw a glimpse of the man we had talked to on the phone numerous times before. “I heard that. I always said if it’s got tits or tires, it’s gonna give ya problems.”

“But the perks always outweigh the bad shit, right?” Dyno laughed.

“For the most part, brother.” His eyes dropped to the table and the old Barracuda faded away. He stood and grabbed a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. “Gonna grab a smoke and see if dinner is ready.” He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Sledge was the first one to talk. “Holy fuck, man. Holy. Fuck.”

Quinn shook his head. “I don’t even know what to say right now. I’d be losing my shit if anything like that happened to Kimber.”

“Fuck, man. You lost your shit when she was kidnapped.” Dyno tapped his fist on the table. “Lucky as fuck nothing like that happened to her.”

“I’d burn the whole fucking world to the ground if Queenie was ever murdered,” Sledge growled.

We all felt that way.

I was silent, thinking about the fact I had almost lost Deedra three nights ago. A shower of bullets had rained down on us just like it had on Barracuda’s ol’ lady.

She wasn’t as lucky as we had been.

Quinn sighed. “The past few days just goes to show we need to be vigilant even when we don’t know if there is trouble out there. Thankfully nothing bad happened to any of us.”

“Problem is now we need to stick our necks out there again to figure out why the kid was killed.” Core tapped his fingers on the table. “I can talk to a couple of guys I know on the streets who might have known the kid.”

Quinn nodded. “Take Zephyr with you. No one goes out alone anymore. Always have another brother with you even if you’re just running to the fucking gas station. I have a feeling shit is going to get even more crazy before we figure out who is behind killing the kid.”

“It’s gotta be whoever is moving in on the meth ring around here. It’s too big of a coincidence with the Clarks getting busted, and now there is a huge hole in the supply chain.” I shook my head. “Deedra mentioned after she talked to the kid about the new people moving in, he became real quiet and didn’t want to talk.” It had to be the new people dealing. My gut was telling me the kid had ran to Deedra for help. He had somehow fucked with some bad people and then they fucked him right back.

Dyno sighed. “He knew something he shouldn’t have.”

“And he got killed for it.” Quinn laid his hands on Copyright 2016 - 2024