Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,16

“You’re early.” Yeah, there went not being bitchy.

“Yeah, sure am. Been that way all of my life.”

I nodded at the restaurant. “You wanna go in?” Maybe I just needed to eat. Point had pushed my usual dinner time back by two hours. I was getting hangry.

He shook his head. “Not until you tell me who your date was.”

“He wasn’t a date, Point. Can we just please go inside and get this over with?” I had planned on being done talking to Joseph by the time Point showed up, but I forgot that Point was always fifteen minutes early, no matter what.

“Then, who was he?”

He wasn’t going to let this go. Point would beat this thing to death until I told him who Joseph was. “He’s a guy I get information from. Or, he was the guy I got information from. He wasn’t too thrilled when he left.” That was something I was going to have to worry about now. Did Joseph really know nothing, or was he hiding something? Something that seemed to make him a bit scared.

“What kind of information do you get from a kid like that?” Point shook his head. “Telling you all the gossip going on at the high school?”

“You’re an idiot,” I grumbled. “Joseph isn’t in school. He just lets me know what’s going on in the streets. That’s it; the end.” I didn’t want to go into it with him.

Point shook his head. “I know that’s what you want to believe, but you seem pretty frazzled by whatever just happened between the two of you.”

“It was nothing. There is nothing. Now can we eat? I’m starving. I normally have eaten by now and am getting ready for bed.” Feed me, let me go home.

“Wild woman,” Point chuckled. “I really am keeping you up past your bedtime tonight. Hopefully, you can make it all the way through the meal without having to take a nap.”

I stepped back. “If you don’t get me in there right now, I can’t make any promises if I will or won’t fall asleep.” I was more than able to stay up past nine o’clock. I just didn’t like to if I didn’t have to. I could fall asleep any and everywhere as long I cleared my mind and closed my eyes. It was a rare talent that most people didn’t even know existed.

Point grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the front door. Finally.

His palm felt familiar pressed to mine, and I didn’t try to yank it away. I had once loved this man, and for months I craved even the simplest touch from him. I indulged myself and didn’t throw a fit as he walked in the door, talked to the waitress, and led me to a table in the back.

I sat on one side of the table, and Point settled on the other.

“I’ve never been here before,” I marveled as my eyes took in all of the amazing décor. It was like we had stepped into the fifties. Mel’s Diner was absolutely amazing.

“Been here a couple times with the guys before.” Point grabbed a menu and set it in front of me.

“And the girls?” I laughed. “It seems like the guys of the club don’t really go anywhere without their ol’ ladies.”

He shrugged and opened his menu. “Yeah, they’re all pretty much attached at the hip. Though with this Book Club shit going on, it seems more like you can’t see one of the girls without seeing the rest of them close by.”

“It’s like they have their own club going on,” I laughed.

Point glared at me. “You have no idea how right that is. Swear to God, they’re all going to drive me insane with all of the going here and there that they do.”

“Nothing wrong with that. And it’s not like you have to go with them or anything.” None of them were Point’s ol’ lady so he didn’t have to keep an eye on any of them.

Point looked me dead in the eye. “You really think I went to a cat shelter without being forced to?”

I shrugged. “You’re the one who said you’ve changed. Maybe you’re into that kind of thing.” I doubted it, but I found it hard to believe that Point went to the shelter because he was told to.

“I’m into doing what my prez tells me to do. There was no way in hell Rhino would have been able to keep an eye on the girls by himself.”

Well, and there you had it. Copyright 2016 - 2024