Thrill Kill (Matt Sinclair #2) - Brian Thiem Page 0,48

that lightly. Do you expect me to let your client walk out of here with only her promise of cooperation and wait until the DA grants her immunity? I might as well just wait for the analysis of her computer files.”

“I already know the FBI and IRS have the computers,” Bianca said. “You may not fully realize what you have gotten yourself involved in. I doubt the U.S. Attorney will allow you full access to the data on those computers.”

“You seem like a very capable attorney,” Sinclair said. “But I don’t play lawyer games. You’ll need to do that with your counterparts at the DA and U.S. Attorney’s Office. If I don’t get something from your client now, I’ll book her, type up my report, and see the charging DA tomorrow.”

Bianca’s dark eyes bounced between Braddock and Sinclair and finally focused on Sinclair. “You have a reputation as an honorable man—someone whose word is his bond. What I’m about to tell you does not necessarily come from my client. She may or may not have any association with the escort services; however, if you release her, I will be able to gain access to the computer data you’re looking for.”

“How’s that going to happen? We both know the Feds have the computers.”

“Don’t you think that a company would have off-site back-up of their computer files?”

Sinclair had to admit he hadn’t thought of that, but of course, it made sense. “And Helena would give me access to the files?”

“I won’t reveal privileged client information, but as I said, I will be in a position to get you some information about the clients of the escort service. In the meantime, would you be interested in knowing that Dawn had stopped working for the agency a year ago?”

“Really?” Sinclair said. “If that’s true, what good will old client information do me?”

“Maybe none,” Bianca said. “But would you be interested in knowing that Dawn first worked as an escort eight years ago and took a sabbatical when one of her clients fell in love with her about five years ago? Would it interest you that a few years later, she approached the agency and asked to return to work because, according to her, she needed the money to provide a future for a baby she had given birth to? Would you be interested in knowing that she saw more than a hundred different clients during her association with the agency, but toward the end, she only saw a dozen or so regulars, and quite possibly remained in contact with them even after she left the business?”

This fit with what they already knew about Dawn and answered some of the questions that had nagged Sinclair. The existence of the apartment on Athol Avenue and the fact that Dawn wasn’t living there made more sense.

“Can you get me the names of these regulars and the father of her baby?” Sinclair asked.

“I believe that’s possible, but my client will need to be free to orchestrate it.”

Sinclair and Braddock stepped out of the room and conferred. He hated releasing someone from custody on just a promise to provide information—you ended up getting burned more often than not. But Braddock pointed out that they had little to lose by releasing Helena. Neither of them cared about a pimping case. Besides, the Feds could slam Helena much harder than the state courts. It was ironic that they had a better chance of getting the information they needed from a suspect and her defense attorney than from fellow law enforcement officers.

Sinclair and Braddock returned to the interview room. He said, “I’ll release her, but she has to understand the release is only pending further investigation. If she doesn’t come through, I walk the case to the DA, get a warrant, and have a team of blue suits drag her off to jail.”

Bianca held out her hand. “Deal.”

Sinclair put out his hand. Bianca took it in both of hers and gazed into his eyes. “I appreciate your trust. I can tell that what both Dawn and Danielle said about you is true. You’ll be hearing from me soon.”

After Bianca and Helena left the homicide office, Sinclair and Braddock returned to their desks. “Whew!” Braddock said. “With all the sexual energy Bianca was putting off, I felt like a voyeur just being in the same room.”

Sinclair laughed. “She was just flirting. I’m sure she’s accustomed to using her wily womanly ways to get what she wants from men.”

“I’m glad you’re too strong to Copyright 2016 - 2024