Threshold of Annihilation (The Firebird Chronicles #3) - T.A. White Page 0,143

smile crossed his lips. "A little."

Kira was smart enough to read between the lines.

Kent had mis-stepped tonight when he sought to interfere with the Harkening. He’d shown his allegiance to Zepher’s faction. Something Himoto would never allow in the upper ranks of the Consortium’s military.

Knowing her former mentor, he'd use this opportunity to lure out those supporting Kent.

If he stayed true to character, Himoto's next step would be to eliminate those responsible with extreme prejudice.

The next months in the Consortium would be a bloodbath as Himoto cleaned house.

"Don't worry. I won't let what happened then, happen again."

Kira sent him a hard look. "You'd better not. It's not just me waiting for humans to stumble anymore."

Himoto inclined his head but didn't say anything else.

"Do you need help?" Kira asked abruptly, not knowing what compelled her to make the offer.

Maybe it was the years of history centered around this man. Perhaps it was the knowledge she'd long be dead if not for his actions.

Whatever it was, she found she couldn't simply leave him or humanity to their fate.

He was once very dear to her. Still was, if she was being entirely honest.

The bonds forged between a lost and traumatized child and the man who rescued her from hell weren’t so easily severed.

There would always be a part of her concerned with his wellbeing, even if she didn’t show it.

If he needed her—truly and deeply—she’d be there.

"Kira-chan, you're so kind. Always so concerned for this old man."

Kira snorted. "I don't see an old man here. We both know you can take care of yourself."

"Yes," he agreed with a radiant smile that warmed his eyes.

Cheers resounded from the gathering as Jace finished the puzzle. Colors swirled, forming a prism before they were sucked into the sphere.

Himoto turned to go. "I am glad to see you looking healthier. Perhaps my betrayal was worth it. Yes?"

Kira pressed her lips into a flat line, reminded of something unpleasant. "That's right. We never did address the issue of my resignation since you hung up like a coward."

Himoto chuckled. "I’ll do my best to make it up to you."

Fat chance of that. Just remembering the way he'd thwarted her plans had her seeing red.

It was only because she knew how adept he was at gaining the upper hand over opponents who lost their tempers that she held back.

Himoto lifted a hand as he moved away. "Give my regards to Raider later."

Jin hovered over her shoulder as they watched Himoto leave. "That man is as difficult to deal with as always."

That was an understatement.

Jace stepped off the platform as the humans in the crowd started clapping. He smiled and held up an arm as the cheering grew louder.

"You'd think he had returned from battle with the way they're acting," Lorcan said as he joined her where she stood.

"I believe the Haldeel consider this a form of battle," Kira said.

She was quite popular tonight, drawing the attention of powerful people left and right.

She didn't know whether to rejoice or cry.

This wasn't exactly the type of notice she'd hoped to attract while here.

At that thought, Kira glanced at the top of the pyramid, making eye contact with Alexander. Seeing her gaze, he frowned.

Noticing where she was looking, Lorcan said, "Humans have come quite far from their humble beginnings. Who would have thought one would ever be trusted to act as a Haldeel royal’s voice."

Kira finally faced Lorcan. "The Tuann's greatest weakness is their tendency to underestimate others. One might even say you and the Tsavitee have that in common. I'd be careful of that. It could get you killed one of these days."

Kira stalked away, not giving him the chance to respond.

"I'll keep that in mind, lady," Lorcan's sly voice followed her.

Alexander clapped his hands, drawing the attention of the guests once again.

Kira stopped walking and looked up.

"Friends, we have one final entertainment for you tonight. A puzzle from our newest and youngest master."

At that, the last Haldeel standing at the base of the pyramid walked into the crowd.

Shorter than her two companions, the Haldeel was young to be considered a puzzle architect, let alone a master.

As she got closer, Kira realized she knew her. It was the racer Raider had saved. The one Kira had met that first day. Skye.

On her shoulder perched her ilsa.

A sense of inevitability filled Kira as the girl bypassed many other important guests, her path leading her straight to Kira.

She stopped in front of her, raising her eyes at last. "Kira Forrest. I challenge you."


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