Thraxas and the Ice Dragon - By Martin Scott Page 0,78

I crash to the ground but rise quickly, shaking my fist at the Samsarinan Sorcerers. Perhaps because of my anger, the deflection spell I'm carrying suddenly seems a lot stronger, and I get a vivid sense of an energy bolt flying towards Makri. I raise my hand and manage to alter its course so it plunges harmlessly into the ground.

"Take that!" I cry. Immediately I'm hit by another crushing bolt of magic and once more crash to the ground. I struggle to my feet, roaring with rage. Lisutaris is deflecting spells from all directions, keeping them away from Makri while simultaneously trying to hinder Elupus. He and Makri are fighting fiercely in the centre of the arena. Their combat is furious, though unusual. Every few seconds one of them is jerked violently like a puppet, and has to struggle to remain upright while blocking desperately with their shield to keep their opponent at bay. Makri seems certain to score against Elupus as his shield flies out of position, but as she moves in to strike, she herself is jolted off her feet. Before she can regain her balance, Elupus recovers to deal her a crashing blow on her shield arm.

"Half point to Elupus!" yells the Marshal. The crowd scream their approval.

"Cheats!" I cry. "Lasat is cheating! His whole Guild's helping him!" My voice is drowned out in the mayhem. I deflect another spell, but there are so many Samsarinan Sorcerers working against us that it feels hopeless. From the way Lasat and Charius are hopping around in frustration, I'd guess that Lisutaris has their sorcery nullified, but that still leaves plenty of others. I do my best but I'm no match for them. Makri is again forced backwards under furious assault from Elupus and he scores another half point with a thrust which slides in under her shield, striking her on the hip. It's another painful blow, harder than would have been allowed in earlier rounds. I'm worried about the damage Makri is taking. Even without the buffeting from the sorcerers, she's suffering a severe barrage from Elupus, whose own actions are being enhanced by the Samsarinan Guild. I deflect another bolt but only succeed in bringing it down on myself. I crash to the ground for the third time. This time I struggle to rise, and I can taste blood in my mouth.

"Damn you," shouts Lisutaris, hauling me to my feet. "Concentrate!"

"I'm doing my best!"

I'm starting to think that the best plan might be to draw my sword and charge across the field, slaying as many Samsarinan Sorcerers as I can. Fortunately, before I can act, Lisutaris releases a spell so powerful that every Samsarinan sorcerer is frozen on the spot. For a few moments Makri and Elupus are unaffected by magic, and Makri seizes the opportunity to launch an attack, blocking Elupus's blade and then sliding her own sword down to slice into the armour on his shin.

"Half point to Makri!" cries the Marshal.

By the time the fight restarts, the Samsarinan Sorcerers have thrown off the effects of Lisutaris's spell. They've given up any pretence of not being involved, and are openly waving their arms, firing bolts, and intoning spells. It must be obvious to everyone what's going on. Not that I expect anyone to do anything about it. As I thud to the ground for the fourth time I regret that I never paid proper attention to my sorcerous studies. If I had, I might be able to help more. As it is, all I can do is try to lessen the load on Lisutaris, mainly by allowing myself to be a target. My body shakes as I attempt to deflect an energy spell from Makri which would probably have killed me were it not for my spell-protection necklace.

Makri is being hit by spells regularly and only her incredible fighting technique is keeping her in the match. Several times, after she's been knocked off balance, it seems as if Elupus must strike, but she somehow manages to get her sword or shield in the way. Eventually, inevitably, he does make another break-through, and Makri falls behind by three half-points to one. The crowd is chanting and roaring. I have blood coming out of my nose. Lisutaris gasps as she's hit by a spell. The situation is fast becoming hopeless. Elupus advances and knocks Makri backwards with his shield. She goes over again, tripped by sorcery, and sprawls on the ground. Then, with a move which astonishes both Copyright 2016 - 2024