Thraxas and the Ice Dragon - By Martin Scott Page 0,59

accused by the King's Exchequer of not paying the required taxes on his estates.

"That's odd. He's one of the most important men in the country. Why would he let that happen?"

"Maybe he's broke,' says Makri. "Didn't you mention he was involved in some merchant deals that went wrong?"

"Yes, but it didn't seem that serious. I can't believe he'd let things slide to the extent that he'd face being taken to court by the King."

I sit and think for a few moments. Vosanos's financial difficulties are interesting. Baron Mabados is reputed to have financial problems too. Mabados's son is marrying Vosanos's daughter. It's odd that both Barons are struggling. The marriage won't affect that one way or the other, as far as I know. I'll have to ask Baroness Demelzos for more information.

"Dos this have some bearing on your case?" asks Makri.

"I don't know. I can't see how it would involve Merlione. Whether she's alive or dead doesn't make any difference to how rich these Barons are. Still, I'd like to know more. Are there any other documents?"

There's nothing else in the book, but it does provide a case number. I find a young assistant on the floor below and ask her if Cetenos is anywhere in the building, but apparently he's busy conveying records to the King's officials. I ask the assistant if she can show me any more documents relating to Baron Vosanos's case, and quote her the number. She leads me over to a huge filing cabinet, about the size of a small tree, then opens the top drawer and rummages around for a while.

"Here you are,' she says, pulling out a brown leather folder with a number on it. "Everything will be in here."

I open the folder. It's empty. The assistant looks surprised.

"Normally there'd be more papers on anything that had a case number. I don't know why there isn't."

I return upstairs to Makri. "The rest of the documents are missing." I glance at the candle. "We have to go, you're fighting soon."

Chapter Twenty-Three

Heading back towards the arena, Makri is relaxed. I don't think she's given much thought to her next fight. It's quite a contrast to my own experience of the tournament. Then it was all I thought about for weeks. I'd practice during the day, and at night I'd go drinking with sword-fighting friends, swapping tales about fighters we'd seen, and lying about all the contests we'd won. It became my whole life. Makri does want to win, because she takes pride in her fighting technique, but she doesn't care about the competition. I find that annoying. She should respect it more.

Makri's next opponent is Gabril-ixx, from the far north. He won a tournament recently, so he must be skilful, and in good form. Big Bixo has him as slight favourite at four to six, while Makri is eleven to ten. I'd like to bet everything we have but, heeding Makri and Lisutaris's desire to be more cautious, I put 2,500 gurans on Makri to win. Makri has a lot more backers now. She's still not popular with the crowd, but serious gamblers don't care about that. They've seen what she can do.

Lisutaris meets us at the edge of the field. There's something strange about her manner.

"You look odd," I say.

"Thanks, Thraxas. That's always good to hear."

"Why are you holding your head like that?" Lisutaris has her chin pushed down, almost resting on her chest. "What's that you're wearing?"


"Yes it is. I can see it sparkling."

"Oh this?" Lisutaris glances down at the heavy row of jewels currently dangling round her neck. It's a queenstone necklace, a very fine example.

"It's just a… little gift," she says, and blushes faintly. "From Kublinos."

"Did you agree to marry him?" asks Makri.

"Of course not! Why would you ask that?"

"Because he's just given you the most expensive necklace this side of the King's treasury?" I suggest.

"I had to accept it," says Lisutaris, huffily. "It would have been rude not to. That doesn't mean I'm about to get married. The subject was never discussed. Makri, are you ready to fight?"

"What are you going to say when he does ask?" says Makri.

"Could we not discuss it right this moment? Thraxas, listen carefully. I'm convinced Lasat is going to make a serious attempt to sabotage Makri in this fight. I can deal with him and Charius, but the rest of their guild is here too, so there might be spells flying in from all directions. I'll need your to help to deflect them."

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