Thraxas and the Ice Dragon - By Martin Scott Page 0,38

Steward already made enquiries. Me hiring you is like telling everyone I don't trust him."

"He's going to know that soon enough anyway, because I'll be talking to him too."

The Baroness's brow creases with worry.

"I could get by without the letter of introduction."

Baroness Demelzos thinks for a moment. "I'm not having my daughter's life put in danger for fear of a scandal." She claps her hands and a servant hurries into the room. "Bring writing materials," she says. "And my official seal."

Returning to Arichdamis's house with Demelzos's letter of introduction in my pocket, I pass the Jolly Bandit, an attractive-looking tavern with light and music spilling from the shutters. Minstrels are playing a lusty drinking song. I can hear the crowd banging their tankards as they join in with the chorus. I sigh. There's nothing I'd like better than to join in with a drinking song, and get a few ales inside me. Unfortunately, I don't have a guran to my name. I shake my head at the injustice of it, and carry on slowly up the road. I'm in no hurry to get home. Arichdamis has been miserable since his plans went missing, and Lisutaris is no better. I hope Makri has stopped crying.

"Damn it," I say out loud. "Not crying was one of her only good points. What am I meant to say to her now?"

Makri knows I can't cope with women crying. We've discussed it. It wouldn't surprise me if Lisutaris has joined in. She's been as miserable as a Niojan whore all day. I'm slightly heartened by the thought of Arichdamis's cellars. They've been severely depleted since I moved in, but I can probably find a pie or two down there, and a bottle of Elvish wine. With luck, I can sneak them off to my room without encountering anyone.

"Maybe it won't be so bad,' I mutter, fumbling with my key in the unfamiliar lock. "Maybe they've pulled themselves together."

I enter the house and practically trip over Lisutaris, who's lying on the floor. Obviously she hasn't pulled herself together. At least she doesn't seem to be crying. The hallway is enveloped in the sort of thick haze that can only be produced by the most determined of thazis smokers.

"Ah, Thraxas. My Chief Adviser. A Chief Adviser who's full of good advice. Whatever Thraxas advises, you'd best do it. He is my Chief Adviser, after all."

"Is something wrong?"

Lisutaris drags herself into a sitting position. "I'm being mocked on all sides and I'm about to become the poorest woman in the West. Apart from that, everything's fine."

"Makri can recover. She's not out of the tournament yet."

Lisutaris shakes her head. "Help me up."

I take hold of Lisutaris by her shoulders and drag her to her feet, then help her along to the main guest room where she collapses on a couch.

"You know, smoking all this thazis isn't helping," I say.

"I'm the Head of the Sorcerers Guild. I'll smoke whatever I want."

"Where's Makri?"

"In the gardens, breaking things with her axe."

Lisutaris yawns, then closes her eyes. I gaze at her, wondering if it's really such a great idea to have this woman lead our armies against the Orcs. Lasat might be a fool but at least he’s conscious most of the time. Actually, he probably isn’t, not with his dwa habit. Damn these Sorcerers. Can’t they stay sober for five minutes?

I take my illuminated staff out into the gardens. A familiar smells fills my nostrils. I frown, and follow the aroma till I find Makri, prostrate on the grass. The dragon is curled up beside her, sleeping. On the ground beside Makri there's a cheap tin box with a hole on top, blackened by flames. It's the sort of device you use to burn and inhale dwa. I'm appalled at the discovery. I've no idea where she might have procured the drug. It's unbelievably foolish behaviour. Apart from the inherent dangers, it would probably mean execution if the authorities learned of it. If the King doesn't like thazis, that's nothing to what he thinks about the much more powerful dwa.

I bend down and pick Makri up. The dragon stirs, but doesn't waken. I take her indoors and along to the guest room where I lay her on another couch, next to Lisutaris.

"This is all going to end badly," I mutter.

The nights aren't yet warm. I take the thick, embroidered cloth that hangs on the back of each couch and cover both of the slumbering figures. Still carrying my illuminated staff, I head Copyright 2016 - 2024