Thraxas and the Ice Dragon - By Martin Scott Page 0,14

the Head of the Sorcerers Guild does not require inspection, thank you."

We sweep past. I thank Lisutaris. "It's time I got a bit of respect around here. Since I arrived in Samsarina it's been one insult after another."

"For instance?"

"For instance it's outrageous that Makri gets to go to the Queen's Bathing House while I have to go to the common place. I almost drowned under the weight of farmers and blacksmiths."

"I'm sorry, Thraxas. They're willing to stretch a point for my bodyguard, but not my Adviser. Was it really so bad?"

"No, not really. Crowded, though. What's the Queen's Bathing House like?"

"Extremely elegant. Marble floors, steam rooms, masseurs, that sort of thing."

"How did the massed ranks of Baronesses react to the not-very-aristocratic-Makri?"

My question makes Lisutaris frown.

"What's wrong? Did she commit some outrage?"

"No, she behaved quite properly. It's just… I don't suppose you've ever seen Makri naked?"

"I have."

Lisutaris looks at me with surprise. "You have?"

"Yes. When she strolled into my room without bothering to get dressed. Until you've lived in the same tavern as Makri, you have no idea how uncivilised she is."

Lisutaris continues to look at me rather dubiously for a few moments, then carries on. "Well, if you've seen her naked, you'll know what I'm talking about. She has a body like… like… " Lisutaris struggles to find a comparison. "Like a female athlete would be, if there were such a thing. Her stomach is completely flat. You can see the outline of her muscles, which I've never seen on a woman before. She doesn't appear to have a single ounce of spare fat anywhere. Apart from her breasts, oddly enough, which seem rather generously-sized. You've no idea the sensation this caused at the bathing house."


"When she walked out of the changing rooms there was a sort of collective gasp. The Baroness beside me probably hadn't thought about her own body for the past twenty years but I swear she was sucking her tummy in when Makri strolled past. There was nothing but rich women looking sick with envy."

It's not something I'd anticipated, but I can understand it. The aristocracy in Samsarina are no doubt just as vain and frivolous as they were in Turai.

"But what about the pointy ears?" I ask. "I'm sure they weren't jealous of her Orcish blood."

"Well no. But even so, she had quite a sensational effect. Makri, while swimming, displays remarkable muscular development. I caught sight of one young princess flexing her arm to see if there was any sign of a bicep. Which sadly, there wasn't."

Lisutaris looks rather thoughtfully down at her own body. "How does she do it?"

"I don't know. She doesn't eat much, and she's always practising with weapons. But I've always thought she was too skinny."

"Really Thraxas? Only moments ago you were revelling in seeing her naked."

"I was not revelling. Merely reporting the facts."

Lisutaris look irritated. "I need to win these Barons' support against Lasat. I'm not going to be popular if their wives are all miserable because Makri's made them feel flabby."

"Maybe they'd be pleased if their wives start taking better care of themselves?"

Lisutaris shakes her head. "I got the impression the King wasn't very impressed with me having Makri as my bodyguard. Probably doesn't believe she can even fight."

"You should encourage her to enter the tournament. If your bodyguard won that, it would be a real boost to your status."

Lisutaris doesn't dismiss the idea out of hand. By now we've reached the northern edge of town where the mansions are laid out in a haphazard manner. Presumably each Baron bought the best piece of land they could find, and started building. The streets between their mansions are narrower than might be expected, and there's an unusually high concentration of nobility in the area. At times there seems to be a Baron round every corner, and manners are probably more relaxed than they would be at court.

I wonder if Lisutaris fully appreciates the risk she's taking in visiting Arichdamis. "You know how the King feels about thazis. If you're caught using it, he'll be down on you like a bad spell."

The Sorceress shrugs. "I'll risk it. Makri was right. It's a flaw in my character and there's nothing to be done about it. Are you sure we're going the right way?"

"I think so."

"I don't want to ruin into Baron Mabados or Lasat again."

"Relax," I say. "We're nowhere near the Baron's house."

I lead us round the corner. There, looking comfortable in his own front yard, is Baron Mabados. Lasat Axe of Copyright 2016 - 2024