A Thin Disguise - Catherine Bybee Page 0,87

a drink,” she said as she backed away.

“I do?” What did he miss?

“Yeah. We get here and we’re practically engaged and now you’re leaving me for another woman. What will I tell my parents?”

Leo laughed as he turned and walked away.

The second Olivia had walked out of Leo’s room, he was up, dressed, and packed. She’d barely gotten back to her hotel and he was waking Jax to give her a heads-up.

As he expected, Olivia was mobilized and running, and he was right on her tail, not even bothering to hide.

He followed in the rental car from the second she left her hotel. They weren’t out of the city twenty miles and she pulled over.

He watched as she glared into the rearview mirror and jumped out of her car.

Leo pulled the key and put it under the mat.

“Fuck off, Grant,” she said the second he got out.

He popped his trunk and grabbed his bag. “You know, if you don’t stop leaving after we make love, I’m going to start believing you really don’t care.”

She marched over. “I don’t.”

He met her between the two cars, reached out, and pulled her close. A quick kiss to her ticked-off lips. “Good morning.” He left her staring and headed to the passenger side of her car.

“What are you doing?”

He looked over his shoulder as if the answer were obvious. “Taking two cars is a waste of fuel. And since we’re going in the same direction . . .” He opened the door to the back seat, threw his bag in.

She marched up, grabbed the bag . . . and tossed it out. “We’re not doing this.”

He picked it up, tossed it in . . . pressed one finger to her chest to back her up, and closed the door. “Yes. We are.”

She glared. “You’re really starting to get on my nerves.”

“I know.”

He opened the door and encouraged her to get in. “I can drive. You don’t look like you got any sleep last night.”

She walked around him, her middle finger in the air, and climbed into the driver’s side.

Leo laughed and took the passenger seat.

As soon as they were on the road, he texted Jax, told her to come and get the car.

“How did you know where I was?”


“I can’t tell you all my secrets until you stop running away.”

Leo noticed her white knuckles as she gripped the steering wheel. “What did Charlie tell you?”

“Who was the shooter?”

She checked her blind spot, grunted.

“I took care of you two to one last night. You owe me.”

“I faked it.”

He busted out laughing.

Olivia said something in a language he didn’t understand.

“The way a woman moans and cries . . . that can be faked. But the way your body pulsates around my—”

“Shut up, okay.” She hit the wheel.

“Who is he?” Leo asked.

She stayed silent.

“Claire and Sasha are combing through the files . . . the ones you helped them get way back when. And they already have the recruit names. You can save them some time, and they can start gathering information that might help us when we confront him.” Leo kept saying him, hoping she would either correct him or go with it. Either way she was confirming and knocking the search down considerably.

“We aren’t confronting him. I am.”

Score. It’s a boy!

He would venture a bet that Olivia before the amnesia would have never let that slip. Or maybe she was starting to trust him just a little.

Leo reclined his seat, crossed his arms over his chest, and closed his eyes. “It’s okay. We have a few miles for you to get used to the idea.”

“Goddamn it. He told you, didn’t he?” Olivia was pissed. “Damn you, Charlie.”

Charlie hadn’t told them anything. Even denied seeing Olivia in the first place . . . but gee, thanks for stopping by and be sure to do it again after the wedding.

“I’m going to take a little nap. Let me know when you want me to drive. We need to be rested and go over a plan.”

“My plan. One that doesn’t involve you.”

He really was exhausted. He was secretly hoping they were driving for more than a day. “Good luck with that.” Leo let his brain settle, and he started nodding off.

Only once Leo had fallen asleep did she allow herself to look at him.

Such an annoying piece of beautiful shit.

He wasn’t shaking, much as she tried to move him along.

Of course he didn’t leave. The night before had been off the charts. All of the memories that they’d

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