A Thin Disguise - Catherine Bybee Page 0,61

rested her feet in Leo’s lap at his request.

She left them there, because Amnesiac Olivia would allow him to rub the arch of her socked feet the way he was doing while he worked on one of Isaac’s crossword puzzles.

Olivia held Leo’s computer, the screen angled away from the others in the room.

“Anything coming back to you?” AJ asked.

Olivia faked a smile. “Well . . . I have determined that Leo looks up way too much porn on this thing.”

Leo stopped rubbing and leaned over. “I do not.”

She laughed. “Gotcha.”

“Giving a woman your computer is like giving them the key to your front door,” AJ warned him.

“His bedroom doesn’t have a lock. Not that I’d need it anyway,” Olivia said.

“Oh?” Sasha glanced over, obvious suspicion in her gaze. Seeing it now, Olivia realized Sasha had sent that look many times over the past two months. Probably searching for the moment Olivia knew more than she led everyone else to believe.

“Nothing opens a door faster than telling a man you’re naked on the other side.”

Leo purred.


Sasha returned her attention to the fire.

Olivia plugged away on Leo’s computer. She placed trackers and hacks . . . things that would give her access to what he was receiving and sending. Much as she didn’t like the deceit, she needed to protect herself. And him, if need be.

“When can we expect Neil back?” Olivia asked.

“His pilot said he could fly tomorrow.”

As she suspected. “Are we any closer to finding out who shot me?” Her questions were rhetorical. Ones that said, See, I still don’t know who I am and need your help.

“We’ll find them,” Leo assured her.

No, they wouldn’t.

But she would.

“I’m sure everyone is going to want to get back to their normal lives by the holidays.”

“You’re remembering more bits and pieces every day,” Leo reminded her.

“I suppose.”

“Any memory of the firearms training? Where you obtained it and why?” AJ asked.

Sasha tilted her head, hands in her lap, eyes glued to the fire.

Olivia could see the woman listening . . . if that was possible.

“No.” Olivia finished what she needed to do on Leo’s computer and closed it up tight. “This is a waste of time,” she told him, handing it back.

“It will come,” he assured her.

She looked at the time, counted down the minutes.

The lights in the room flickered off, but the space stayed lit because of the fire. A collective sigh went over the room.

“That was predictable,” AJ said.

Leo slid her feet off his lap and stood. “Time to switch it all over,” he said.

AJ took the hint and got up with him.

Olivia watched Leo’s back as he left the room. He was a good man and deserved someone better.

“Are you okay over there?” Sasha asked.

Olivia kept her gaze soft. “Leo is falling hard,” she told her. Amnesiac Olivia would be open and honest . . . naive about such a statement.

“What about you?”

Amnesiac Olivia and Richter Olivia started arguing in her head. “I can’t let that happen until I know who I am. It’s not fair to him.”

“When that happens, he’ll be here for you.”

“In the meantime, we’re going to need to do a condom run. Mr. FBI is packing a three fifty-seven and not a twenty-two.”

Sasha hummed. “That is good news indeed.”

“Yes . . . yes, it is.”

“I’m kicking you out before you fall asleep.” Olivia’s statement was a warning.

One of her legs was stretched over one of his, their breath returning to normal.

“Why is that?” He traced the skin of her arm, enjoyed how her fingers curled into his chest as they talked.

“I felt hammered today.”

He chuckled. “I would hope so.”

“Tired,” she corrected herself. “And if you stay in here, I’m likely to roll over and jump back on . . . and we’re out of your size, Mr. Big Guy.”

He didn’t exactly stock up before taking that initial plane ride. “I’ve proven there are other ways to please you.”

She purred with a sigh. “Yes. But . . .” She lifted her ear from his chest, looked at him. “I’m not afraid to tell you I’m exhausted. I need to build up to these all-day sessions.”

If her words weren’t enough, she covered a yawn and cuddled back into his arms.

“I get the hint.” Even though he hated the idea.

She sighed. “I have Sasha doing a drug-store run tomorrow.”

Leo kissed the top of her sleepy head. “You have to love a woman who makes sure her needs are met.”

He felt her eyelashes flutter on his chest.

Within twenty minutes her breathing

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