A Thin Disguise - Catherine Bybee Page 0,54

asked once he was standing over her.

“I think we’ve danced around this party long enough . . . don’t you?”

There was no way this was going to end well, but he couldn’t stop himself. No, he didn’t want to stop himself. This beautiful, vibrant woman . . . the person he knew right then, was diamonds and light and asking to be touched. Whoever she’d been before didn’t matter.

They both had a past, and she knew no more about his than she did about hers. So what did it matter?

“You’re beautiful,” he told her.

“You’re stalling.” She reached for the button of his jeans.

He shook his head, turned her around so her back was to the bed. “No. I just want you to know that this means something to me.”

That teasing smile dimmed, just a little, and her eyelids started to blink. And then she sighed, reached for his face. “I don’t remember anyone I’ve slept with.”

He liked that. “Do you think you’re a virgin?” At first he thought it was a joke . . . then he paused.

Olivia looked at him and they both started chuckling. “No,” they said at the same time.

A gentle nudge and she was lying flat on the bed, her hands stretched over her head. “Not too wet, and not too sloppy.”

She laughed.

He dropped to his knees and pulled her to the edge of the bed, inched his hands up her thighs, and tugged at the panties that had been in the way and tossed them on the floor. “Hello, beautiful.”

Olivia opened and he moved in.

The first orgasm slammed into her so hard and so fast she saw stars.

She hadn’t been lying when she told Leo that she didn’t remember any man she’d had sex with, but as her body shuddered under the talent of Leo’s tongue, she knew orgasms like that were rare.

Leo looked at her through the frame of her legs. His smile said it all.

“Proud of yourself?”

“Yes, ma’am, I am.”

She needed to catch her breath. “You have too many clothes on.”

He reached behind and pulled his shirt off in one movement. He used his shirt to wipe the moisture from his lips and tossed it to the floor.

The man made her feel so alive. Sexy, yes . . . wanted . . . absolutely. But alive. While she didn’t quite understand the meaning behind that, she didn’t think it was common for her.

Olivia sat up on her elbows to watch him undress.

Oh, yeah . . . her initial assessment of the man still panned out. As he dropped his pants to the floor and kicked off his shoes, his erection said, Hello, how can I serve you while standing at full attention.

Full being the key word.

“Nice,” she muttered.

He placed a knee on the bed.

“There’re condoms in the drawer,” she told him.

His eyes lit up in surprise.

“Sasha thought we might need them.”

He laughed, reached for the nightstand. “Very thoughtful of her.”

He removed the box, looked it over, and ripped the cellophane from the package. He dumped the contents on the bed, picked up one of the smaller sizes and tossed it over his shoulder.

Olivia laughed.

He went through a few more before finding one that would actually fit. “I’m going to have to have a talk with AJ.” He set the condom aside and crawled up the length of her body. He captured her lips and pressed her back into the mattress.

The weight of him was a continuous, sensual delight from his knees to his mouth. His hand traveled up her side and tugged at her shirt. “Can I?”

She found the question odd until he pulled it from her shoulders and looked at her. He leaned forward and kissed the outside of the scar she’d have for the rest of her life. He moved to the second one on the side of her chest where the doctor had placed that tube to help her breathe.

Fascinated by the way he was being so careful, she stared.

He looked up, his smile soft. “If I do anything that hurts you . . .”

“You’re not hurting me,” she told him. Except for that tiny pull in her heart she didn’t want to name.

He moved past her scars and pulled one nipple into his mouth.

All the parts of her that had simmered started firing up again.

She raked her fingernails down his back, over his ass, and reached around front. His cock was pressed against her leg, and she stroked what she could at the angle they were in.

He wiggled his

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