A Thin Disguise - Catherine Bybee Page 0,14

the trial and doing what they could to keep the victim safe from any foul play. But so far, Neil was the only visible member of the team. Everyone else was in the shadows. And from the sound of it, Olivia was deep undercover.

Leo knew a thing or two about being invisible to those around him. Hell, he’d spent nearly a year of his life acting as a high school teacher in an effort to flush out a bad cop responsible for girls like Marie Nickerson.

All things considered, Leo made a decision to hold off on the truth until talking with Neil.

“What are the chances of Navi being the one behind this?” Leo indicated Olivia, who was asleep. The two of them stood at the far end of the room talking in hushed tones.

“Him or someone associated with the case.”

“Right. These are professional dirtbags. They missed the shot because she saw the gun and grabbed me. It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume the people responsible for this might conclude that and come around and eliminate an eyewitness.”

“She doesn’t remember anything,” Fitz said.

“They don’t know that.”

Fitz looked around the room, took a peek beyond the curtain. “You’re right.”

“And considering she doesn’t know who she is, anyone could come in here pretending to be family and . . .”

Fitz blew out a breath and made a grand gesture, while she pulled out her cell phone and walked out of the room.

The second she left, Leo removed his phone and called Neil.

He picked up on the first ring. “What room is she in?”

“ICU bed four.”

“We’re parking now. Don’t leave her side.”

“Wasn’t planning on it.”

Olivia moaned, taking Leo’s attention away from his phone.

Her eyes fluttered open, and her hand reached for her side.

For a moment Leo thought she was going to pull at the tube sticking out of her lung.

“Hey,” he said, distracting her.

Their eyes met and held. She smiled, at first, and then those green eyes clouded and her smile fell. “Do I know you?” she asked.

“We met earlier,” he informed her.

“Why don’t I remember?”

“The doctors say it’s temporary.” And maybe when Neil walked in the room something would click into place.

Fitz returned, offered a nod to Olivia, then turned to Leo. “Brackett is calling the locals for around-the-clock protection.”


Fitz addressed Olivia. “How are you feeling?”

“I can’t seem to stay awake.”

Leo looked around the sterile space. “It’s not like there’s a lot of excitement going on in here.”

For the first time since he’d run into her, she offered a true smile. Amused.

“Excuse me.” Maureen poked her head in the room. “There’s a Neil MacBain asking to come back.”

“What’s he doing here?” Fitz asked.

Leo shrugged and got to his feet. “Maybe he came to the same conclusion we did.”

Leo followed the path to the locked door of the ICU and opened it. Neil stood on the other side, a stony mirror of the man that had been in the courtroom only hours before. Instead of escorting him directly back, Leo stepped outside to talk first.

“My partner is in there.”

Neil seemed to accept the need to delay his trip to the bedside. “How is she?”

Leo smiled. “Recovering. Off the ventilator, awake . . . only she doesn’t remember anything.”

Neil looked away as if not believing Leo’s words.

“Anything. Even her name,” Leo reiterated.

“Olivia would never tell you her name,” Neil informed him, reaching for the door.

Leo stopped him. “She has to be reminded that she’s in Vegas. She has some type of amnesia.” Leo removed her cell phone from his pocket and handed it to Neil. “When I asked if I could use her phone to try and find someone who knows her, the only number on it was yours.”

Neil took it and stared. “She wouldn’t do that.”

“Right . . . well, she did. I didn’t tell Fitz that you know her.” He sighed. “I’m not sure that was the right call.”

“No one in your department needs to know who she is.”

“Not sure that’s possible,” Leo told him. “If her memory comes back and she can ID the people holding the gun . . .”

“She won’t do that.”

“Someone nearly killed her,” Leo reminded him.

Neil fixed him with a cold stare.

Leo felt the chill down to his toes.

Neil tucked her phone in his pocket. “Keep this silent. I’ll explain more later.”

Leo hoped he could.

Neil followed him through the doors, past the nurses’ station, and into Olivia’s room.

Leo kept his eyes on the woman in the bed when Neil came into view.

She looked at him and then

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