Thin Air Page 0,91

to me, or yourself," I said. "Right, Ven?" She gave me a look that could have doubled as a crematorium. "Sorry. Venna."

"Yes." She wasn't forgiving me anytime soon for an attempt at a pet name; that was clear from her tone. "Up, Ashan."

At first he couldn't get up, and then it was clear he didn't want to. The smile Venna gave him was evil enough to haunt a serial killer's nightmares.

"If you don't," she said, "then I'll make you, brother."

Brother? I didn't know if that was literal or figurative, but either way, it worked; Ashan climbed silently to his feet and walked down the steps without trying to run, pitch headlong to his death, or take me with him. I looked back up at the Chapel of the Holy Cross; it was quiet, no signs of life. No sign of my daughter haunting its warm, incense-scented shadows.

I wanted to run back up the steps and throw my arms around her, but somehow I knew that it wasn't the time. Not here. Not now.

Not until this was over.

Venna saw me looking, and said, "We should go."

Ashan coughed, and spit a mouthful of blood at Venna's feet. She raised one eyebrow and made it disappear. Just like that.

I raised the Taser and activated it, letting him get a good look at the jumping spark. "Get in the car, Ashan."

He slid into the backseat. I pointed a finger at Venna. "Watch him," I said.

"Of course." She gave me a cool raise of her eyebrows, as if I were being completely stupid, and climbed in the passenger seat.

I stood there for a few seconds with my hand on the car door, looking up at the chapel. For a second, I thought I saw...something. A flicker of red, a dress fluttering in the wind.

A smile.

"I'll see you soon," I promised her, and got in the driver's seat.

We drove out toward the main road, and when I reached an intersection I idled and waited for traffic. Venna seemed lost in thought, but she finally said, "I can conceal us from most, but he is going to be a problem."

"Venna, could you ever once in a while use a name? Would it kill you? He, who? Ashan?"

"David," she said, with a little too much enunciative precision. "He's been looking for you. I can keep him from finding us for now, but I'm not sure I can do it for long. He's very smart."

"He's looking for me?" I felt a surge of gratitude and relief, and then I remembered that it wasn't a good thing. "Oh. Looking for me because he thinks I'm the wrong one. The fake Joanne."


"And where is he?"

She shrugged. "I said I could hide us from him, not keep track of him. It's not that simple. You'd better get going."

"Do you think this is going to work?"

Venna looked suddenly very young, and very uncertain. "I don't know," she said. "It's never been done before. And I didn't expect that the Earth Oracle would be Imara. That complicates things."

I swallowed, suddenly very cold. "What if it doesn't work?"

"Eventually," Venna said, "the Demon will win. And I don't know what will happen then. I really don't."

We looked at each other in silence for a second.

"Go east," she said. "We've got a lot of ground to cover."

I love to drive, but this wasn't driving, it was being trapped in a car with a crazy man (who kept muttering things in a language that I didn't understand), a Djinn who was by turns cute and creepy, and constantly operating under the threat of impending, though nonspecific, doom. It was the Paranoia Ride, which I was sure wasn't going to catch on at Disney World. Venna wasn't exactly comforting company, and Ashan...I hadn't liked him at first sight, I'd begun to hate him when I'd realized what he'd done, and now I outright loathed him. Venna had, at my request, dumped him into a shower at a roadside motel, and I'd bought him some fresh clothes to replace the filthy suit he'd been wearing. Clean, he looked and smelled better.

It didn't help his attitude at all. Venna's calm, menacing presence kept him from trying to bash my head in, but there was nothing she could do to make him any less of an asshole. I couldn't keep him in the trunk; that would be emotionally satisfying, but morally questionable. Still, keeping him in the backseat was no picnic. Every muscle in my body ached with tension, and when I Copyright 2016 - 2024