Thin Air Page 0,43


"Can I go with him?" Cherise asked in a small voice. She'd slipped her hand in his. "Please?"

"I don't see why not," Dr. Lee said. "We'll see about getting you food as well. And some fresh clothing."

I don't know if Kevin would have gone on his own, but Cherise's presence gave him an excuse to conform. He took her hand and followed Dr. Lee through the door and into what I presumed was a treatment area.

Leaving me with Lewis and Marion, who weren't saying much.

"Well?" I asked. "What now?"

"Now," Marion said, "we see if we can determine the extent of your damage."


"Here's fine. I don't need you to wear a funny open-back dress for this."

Lewis walked away. I stared at Marion for a few seconds, frowning, and then nodded. "All right. What do you need me to do?"

"Relax and let me drive," she said. "Eyes closed. I want you to focus on a sound."

"What sound?" I closed my eyes and immediately felt drowned by darkness. I fought the urge to open them again.

"This one."

For a brief second I didn't hear anything, but then I did, a low musical tone, steady and unchanging. Like the sound a deep-note chime makes. A sustained ringing.

"Do you hear it?" Marion asked. Her voice was soft and slow, blending with the sound of the chime. I nodded. "Concentrate on the sound. Only on the sound."

It got louder, and the more I focused, the purer it seemed. It made me imagine things...a bright crystal, turning and reflecting rainbows. A flower slowly unfurling its petals. A chair rocking on a porch on a fresh, cool morning.

I could feel something moving through my body like a warm wave, but it wasn't alarming, and somehow I wasn't afraid of it. The sound compelled me to stay quiet, stay still, suspended in time...

"Hey," said a new voice. I opened my eyes, or some part of me did; I could tell that my actual, physical eyes were still closed tight.

But part of me was somewhere else entirely. In another reality.

"Hey," I replied blankly. I felt like I should know the man who was sitting across from me-there was definitely something familiar about him. Tall, lean, athletic; a little bit like Lewis, but more compact and certainly just as dangerous, if not more so. A graying brush of light brown hair cut aggressively short. A face that seemed harsh one moment, and amused the next. When he smiled, it seemed kind, but also mocking.

"You don't know me," he said. "My name's Jonathan."

"Um...hi?" It felt like the real world, but somehow, I knew it wasn't. Illusion, most definitely. So what was this guy? He smiled even wider, not giving me a clue.

"We don't have a lot of time for this little drop-in, so I'm going to be brief. You just acquired some skills that you're not ready for. Wasn't my choice, but hey, done is done." He shrugged. "You're going to need them, no doubt about that, but your adjustment's going to be a little rocky. Just thought somebody should warn you."

"Who are you?"

He laughed. Chuckled, really. "Used to be a lot of things. Human, then Djinn. Now-well, there's not really a word for what I am. But there's a word for what you are, kid. Trouble."

This made no sense. It had to be a dream. I was sitting on a couch in a living room-stone fireplace, clean lines, masculine furniture. Warm throw rugs on the wood floor. A big picture window overlooking a field of nodding yellow sunflowers in full bloom, which was wrong, wasn't it? It should have been fall at least, or full winter. But, it was summer. Bright, cloudless summer.

"Stay with me, Joanne. I'm going to bounce you back in a second, but first I had to tell you something."

"What?" I asked.

"What's happening to you has never happened before. Never. That's a big word, in my world-it was big enough to make a whole lot of forces pay attention. David's right to look for Ashan, but you're going to have to do your part, too. If you screw this thing up, I can't help you. Nobody can."

"Could you be a little less vague?"

"Yeah," he said. He leaned back on the leather sofa to take a pull on the beer in his hand. Cold, frosty beer. It made me thirsty, and I didn't even know if I liked beer. "Do not, under any circumstances, think about throwing your life away. If you die-if you let her kill you-you have Copyright 2016 - 2024