Thin Air Page 0,108

toys. They were a liability now, not a help, and she knew they were on the verge of failure. Their deaths didn't bother her, but she couldn't take the risk of a tool breaking at a critical moment.

She ripped her awareness out of them as brutally as she'd put it in, and Kevin had fallen, stunned, as Cherise staggered away crying into the dark, cold world...

And Kevin hadn't been able to follow.

He'd been afraid. Too afraid.

It's useless anyway. I always lose. I lose everything.

The Demon stood over him with her cheap doll eyes and cheap doll skin and cheap doll hair, and smiled.

And then she looked up and smiled directly at me.

I took a step back. Easy, I told myself. It's just a memory. It's the past. It can't hurt you.

"Yes it can," she said. "I knew you'd come. I knew you'd try."

Oh, shit.

I backed up. It felt as if I were backing into mud, into tar, into sticky spiderwebs.

"This isn't the past," she said, and stepped through Kevin to come toward me. "This isn't safety. There's no safety for you."

I stopped. Not because I couldn't back up, but because I knew she wanted me to be afraid. To run. And I was tired of running.

"You know what?" I said. "Works both ways, bitch. No safety for you, either. So if you want to do it, go on. I'm here."

She stood there. The doll persona of the Demon didn't move like a human, didn't act like one; it was just a shape, not even as lifelike as a Disney animatronic.

"Yo! Fembot! I'm talking to you!" I taunted, and took a step forward.

It took a step back. Around us, Kevin's memories continued to unspool like a broken movie reel, steeped in hopelessness and fury. Cherise was dying, and he was doing nothing because he knew he couldn't win.

My doppelgänger had helped create that world for him.

And I was going to fix it if it was the last thing I did.

"I'm coming," I told her. "I know what you're trying to do. You won't get the Wardens now. You won't be able to use them to open the rift. So what are you going to do instead?"

"Do you really think I'll tell you?"

"I think you already have. See, you think you're being original, but remember, you're just my memories pasted onto a phony doll, run by a smart but cold eating machine. You're predictable."

It blinked slowly. It probably couldn't do expressions, or didn't want to, but the net effect was scary as hell. I tried not to let it get to me.

"What?" I demanded. "No threats? No I'm-gonna-get-you-sucka? Come on, get your big-girl panties on already."

"You're trying to trick me," it said.

"Not really. I don't have to trick you. You're going to trick yourself right out of existence; you can count on that."

"I'm going to destroy you."

"News flash: You made me. When you consumed my memory you created an imbalance of energy, and we know that energy has to go somewhere. Right? It's all balance. And what you gave me back was a chance to survive." I'd figured that out a while ago, but it still hurt to say it; the last thing I wanted to do was owe my existence to this creature. This land shark. "If you want to get rid of me, you're going to have to work a hell of a lot harder."

That pushed a button. A big, red, nuclear launch button. "I will!" it screamed, and there was nothing human about that sound, or about the raw will behind it.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Is that why you keep using people to do your dirty work? Kevin? Cherise? David? And believe me, you're going to pay for putting your dirty little hands on David. Big-time." I made a show of checking a watch I didn't actually have on my wrist. "You know what? Drama period's over. See you around the schoolyard, E.T."

It was a risk, but I thought I could do it, and I did... I turned around and zipped along the path of lights, through the dilapidated, sad halls of Kevin's mind, all the way to the light at the end of the tunnel.


When I opened my eyes, I was standing right where I'd been, and Kevin had his head down on the table. He was breathing, but unconscious.

I put my hand on his head again, this time just to gently stroke his greasy, matted hair. "Not everything is a tragedy, Kev," I said. "Come on. Copyright 2016 - 2024