Thin Air Page 0,102

look and scrubbed his hands over his dark five-o'clock shadow. "Jesus fucking Christ, don't go there." His voice had dropped to an urgent whisper. I matched it.

"Did she? Go there?"

Of course she had. He looked helplessly at me, and I understood. Evil Twin had set out to win over every single person that I could count on, and Paul had an Achilles' heel...he wanted me. So...she gave him what he wanted. And somehow she'd kept David from knowing it. (Because otherwise Paul wouldn't be standing here intact and unharmed. I knew that without the benefit of any memories.)

I shook my head. "Paul, that wasn't me. She wasn't me."

"So you say. Sorry, but I'm not buying the next load of crap to get trucked by." He was looking a little ill now. "That was you. Joanne. Christ, I've known her-you-half your life. I'd know the difference!"

The scariest thing about it? Maybe he was right about that. Maybe the Demon really had become more me than me.

"She showed you what she wanted you to see," I said. "She showed David the faithful lover. She showed each of you exactly what would get her the maximum mileage..." God, what had she shown Lewis? One hell of a good time. I tried hard not to even consider it. "She wanted you on her side. Against me."

"I repeat: I got zero reason to believe you. And I'm not hearing anything to convince me."

I spread my arms. "I'm not a Demon. You can check."

"How do you think we do that? It's not the fucking Inquisition around here."

"Ask Marion. She'd know. She can see Demon Marks." Which begged the question..."Why didn't she recognize Evil Twin?" I asked it aloud, not expecting an answer, but surprisingly Paul actually had one.

"She wasn't awake," he said. "After you pulled your stunt that night in the clinic, she was in a coma. She came out of it this morning."

"When the person you thought of as me left," I said. He frowned and nodded. "Well, that's a coincidence. Lucky E.T. didn't just kill her."

He looked suddenly ill.


Paul's mouth opened and closed, then opened again to say, "Marion's breathing stopped three times in the night. If there hadn't been an Earth Warden with her..."

Evil Twin didn't dare act directly, then, not if she was trying to carry on her campaign to become the one true Joanne. That had saved Marion's life. No doubt E.T. would have been delighted to have dispatched one of the only people in the world who could see her true, unpleasant nature. But Faux Joanne probably would have managed to keep her in a coma indefinitely, until an opportunity came around to quietly shuffle her offstage.

Paul's gaze, which had unfocused to mull things over, sharpened back on me. "How do I know you weren't behind that?"

"We could play this game all day, Paul, but the point is, I'm here, Marion's awake, and she's not pointing at me and screaming, 'Demon,' now, is she? So you're going to have to take something on faith." My turn to fold my arms and frown. "Paul, if I was in love with David, I'd never have slipped off with you. Not that you aren't studly, but..."

He looked deeply uncomfortable. Shuffled his feet and cleared his throat. Adjusted the limp tie at the collar of his much-rumpled business shirt, which was finely tailored but not up to the rigors of a Joanne Baldwin crisis. "Yeah," he mumbled to the floor. "I guess I knew that. I've known you a long time. You're a tease, but-"


"Flirt," he amended hastily. "Jesus. Touchy, ain't ya? Look, whatever happened, the point is, she didn't get what she wanted, right?"

I wasn't so sure of that. "What did she want?" I pushed away from the door and paced a little, nervous and chilly. "She wanted to cut me off from any support, sure, but it was more than that. She went out of her way to enlist people. She wanted to be part of the Wardens. Why?"

"Because you were?"

I shook my head. "It wasn't just that she wanted a life. It's more than that." I remembered the way she'd felt in the clinic when she'd been about to kill me. And even back in the forest before the helicopter rescue. She'd refined her methods, but what she wanted wasn't just to be me. "Before she came after me, she took over Kevin. She wanted something, and it wasn't just about finding me, because she took him over when he was Copyright 2016 - 2024