Thick as Thieves - Sandra Brown Page 0,75

Rusty set him up.”

“He’s certain of it,” Crystal said.

“Do you believe that’s the case?”

“I believe Rusty is that unscrupulous.”

“So do I.”

“I didn’t know you had met him.”

“Not until today. He intercepted me this morning as I was leaving the courthouse.” She explained why she was at the courthouse in the first place, and then told her how the encounter with Rusty had come about. “He more or less trapped me between my car and his. That’s how it felt, anyway. He poured on the charm, but I couldn’t wait to get away from him. He gave off sinister vibes.”

“I know the vibe you mean,” Crystal said. “Once you’ve had experience with someone like that, you know to watch for it.”

Arden was struck by the gravity of her tone and waited to see if she would elaborate. But she didn’t, so Arden continued.

“But besides my meeting with Rusty, something else disconcerting happened while I was there. I learned from the detective who furnished me with the investigation reports that Ledge had acquired copies of them. Only days ago. Did you know that?”


“He’s said nothing to you about getting those reports?”


Arden didn’t believe she was lying, but she wasn’t being completely open, either. “Crystal, why would Ledge have any interest in them?”

“Why does it matter?”

“That’s what I need to know. Why would Ledge care what was in those reports?”

“You’ll have to ask him.”

“I can’t.” The words came our harsher than she’d intended. Backing down a bit, she said, “It would be awkward for me to seek him out now. We had something of a falling out.”


“Last night.”

“Over what?”

“I didn’t hire him.”

“Why not? He does excellent work.”

“I’m sure he does. That wasn’t the issue. It was a personality clash. We rub each other the wrong way.”

The track of the conversation was making her distinctly uncomfortable, as was Crystal’s sharpened scrutiny. Arden wondered if she perceived her guilt. Crystal’s niceness made her feel wretched over those damn kisses. She had never poached on another woman and had a low opinion of women who did. She wouldn’t be one of them.

“I apologize, Crystal.”


For wishing you were ugly and crass and not Ledge’s lover. “For placing you in the position of having to choose between being polite to me and breaching confidences. I had hoped you could shed light, but I realize now how awful it was of me to ask.” She set her glass on the coffee table and stood.

“You don’t have to go. We can talk about something else.”

“Thank you. Another time, maybe.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you more.”

“I understand completely.”

Crystal walked her to the front door. “Will you be staying in Penton?”

“I haven’t decided yet.”

“I hope you’ll try the salon. Some of my clients would kill for your hair color. But I don’t think it can be duplicated out of a bottle. You have to be born with it.” Smiling, she pulled open the door.

Ledge was standing on the other side of the threshold, one hand high on the doorjamb, as though he was about to push his way through it. He pulled off his sunglasses and gave both of them a blast of his icy blue glare before it settled on Arden.

“Well, hello there,” Crystal said brightly. “Did you stop by for happy hour?”

“No.” Without taking his eyes off Arden, he said, “Marty asked me to meet her here.”

“I didn’t hear your truck.”

“I parked in front of the salon. Saw that it was closed. Walked over. Saw her car here.”

It irritated Arden for him to refer to her in the third person when she was standing less than a foot away from him. “I was just leaving.”

“What are you doing here?”

Crystal intervened. “Arden got here as I was closing up shop. I was so glad to finally meet her, I invited her over for a drink.”

“It was very nice of you to have me,” Arden said, turning to Crystal. “Thanks again. I’ll stop by and take a look at those products. Bye.”

Ledge stepped in her path. “As long as you’re here, we’ve got business to settle.”

“We settled our business.”

“Except for the hundred dollars you owe me for working up the estimates. Due upon receipt. That’s printed in red on the invoice.”

“I didn’t receive an invoice and—”

“Have you checked your email?”

“—and furthermore, you told me we were even-steven.”

“That was conditional. You didn’t hold up your end of the bargain.”


“Here’s Marty.” Crystal eased around Ledge and went to greet whoever had pulled a car into the driveway.

A woman got out of it, then reached Copyright 2016 - 2024