Thick as Thieves - Sandra Brown Page 0,66

relief. Had Wallace desired a child of his own, she would have reproduced, but forgoing motherhood hadn’t been a sacrifice.

After they married, he’d encouraged her to re-enroll in college and earn her degree, a pursuit she’d regretted having to suspend when she became Arden’s guardian. Wallace had made it easier for her by assuming some of her parental responsibilities. Over the course of those years when he was driving carpool and attending school events with Arden, she and Wallace had grown very fond of each other. They’d remained close until his death. In his will, he’d been as generous to her as he would have been to a progeny born of him.

Lisa often acknowledged that Wallace Bishop was the soundest decision she had ever made. She believed he would feel the same of her, and would be proud of how she had carried on after his death. The company continued to thrive under her leadership.

Now, she double-checked her day planner, then sorted through the stack of snail mail she hadn’t gotten to yesterday. There were the usual invitations and junk, but one envelope caught her eye.

The stationery was a high-quality stock in dove gray. The return address was engraved on the back of the envelope, but it had been addressed by hand. To Arden.

“Mrs. Bishop?” Helena called.


Thoughtfully, Lisa tapped the envelope against her palm. Then, yielding to temptation before her conscience got the better of her, she opened it.


Word reached me today about the loss of the baby. It came to me through channels too intricate to go into here, and how I learned of it doesn’t matter. What does matter, greatly, is that I know how crushing this must have been for you. I wish you had notified me when it happened. I would have provided whatever consolation and support I possibly could, as inadequate as it would have been.

I realize I’m late to the dance, but is there anything I can do for you now? Before leaving Houston, you made it clear that you wanted to make a clean break. I understood and accepted your reasoning then, and I do now. But please know that I’m here for you if you ever feel the need to talk about it.


P.S. I mailed this to your sister’s address because it was the only one I had.

“I didn’t want it to get cold.”

Lisa turned and smiled at Helena, who stood in the open doorway holding a steaming, frothy cup of cappuccino. “Thank you.” She laid the envelope aside, went over, and took the cappuccino. “I’ve had a sudden change of plans for the day, Helena. I’m afraid I’ll have to forgo breakfast.”

“Nothing bad, I hope.”

“No, not at all. But I’ll need the company jet today. Can you make that call for me while I cancel some appointments?”

“Of course. What’s your destination?”

“Houston Hobby.”

Helena left her.

Lisa sipped her cappuccino as she returned to her desk and reread the heart-stirring letter to Arden from one Jacob Greene.

Chapter 24


“Good morning, Dwayne,” Rusty said cheerfully. “How’s life treatin’ you?”

Hunkered in the corner of his cot with his back against the wall, the Hawkins miscreant glared at Rusty. Rusty turned to the deputy who’d escorted him to the cell. “Leave us.”

The deputy shot Hawkins a warning look, then turned away and ambled back toward his desk.

Rusty waved his hand in front of his nose. “I can smell you from here, Dwayne. Must be that lake water you got bogged down in last night while you were trying to evade arrest. Then you assaulted a peace officer. My, my.”

“I ain’t talking without a lawyer.”

“Really? Gee, that’s too bad. Because I think you would like hearing what I’ve come to discuss.”

“Whut could you have to say that I’d want to hear?”

“Before we get to that, your disposition needs some readjustment.”

“Whut’s that mean?”

Rusty dropped his amiable grin. “It means, get over here and talk to me with respect, or I’ll bring in someone to work you over good, and claim he was protecting me. When he’s done with you, you’ll be peeing blood and farting out your ears.”

Hawkins mulled it over, then rolled off the cot and slunk over to the bars.

“That’s better,” Rusty said.

“Everybody says you’re crooked as your ol’ man.”

“Do they?” Rusty chuckled. “Well, they’re wrong. He was a pussycat compared to me. Which works to your advantage, Dwayne.”

“Yeah? I ain’t seein’ it.”

“You and I can work together to our mutual benefit.”

Dwayne squinted at him with wary interest. “Doin’ whut?”

“See what happens when you’re courteous and cooperative? We’re Copyright 2016 - 2024