Thick as Thieves - Sandra Brown Page 0,101

an added thrust. Rusty managed to stay on his feet but stumbled in order to regain his balance.

When he had straightened up, he looked at them and laughed. “See y’all.” Then he turned and ambled toward his car.

Chapter 36

Ledge shut the door but kept his hand flat against it, watching through the window until Rusty had driven out of sight, then turned quickly to Arden. “Go get your purse. It’s on the—”

“I know where it is. What are we going to do?”

“You are going to leave. We’ll pick up your car at Crystal’s. I’ll follow you home, you can grab some things, secure your house, I’ll escort you as far as the interstate.”

“I’m not leaving now.” She flung her hand toward the reports scattered across the table. “Not with this mess still—”

“Rusty killed that guy, Arden.” He pushed his fingers through his hair. “Christ. I wanted to scare Hawkins because of what he did to us, but also to protect him from just this. I wanted to scare him into getting away from here, and out of Rusty’s reach. He didn’t run fast enough.”

“Don’t assume the blame for what Rusty did.”

He made an impatient gesture indicating to her that she was wasting her breath.

“We’ve got to report Rusty to someone, Ledge.”

“I am. I will. But, first, I’m getting you on your way.” She looked prepared to argue, but when he chinned toward the bedroom and told her to hurry, she left him.

He called Crystal. She hadn’t even gotten out a hello before he asked if Rusty had stopped by her place that morning.

“Where did you hear that?”

“From him. He said you had told him—”

“I haven’t told him a damn thing. I haven’t even seen him.”

“I figured he was lying.”

“When did you talk to him?”

“Right before I called you.”

“What is going on? Are you all right? What happened after you and Arden left here last night?”

“I’ll fill you in later.”

“Marty and I were worried. I wish you had called and—”

“Crystal, stop. Listen.” He paused, took a breath. “Our interest in the night Foster died has made Rusty nervous. He may start hassling you again about that alibi business, remind you that you’re committed to covering for him.”

“He’ll get nowhere with me. I can handle him.”

“No, you can’t, Crystal. You can’t.”

“Okay, calm down. Warning taken. I’ll be careful.”

“Not good enough. This would be an excellent time for you and Marty to take a long weekend together.”

“First of all, it’s not the weekend. Secondly, we can’t just—”

“That dog attack last night? Rusty’s doing.” That silenced her. “Then he killed the guy who did it for him.”

He heard her exhale. “Good God, Ledge.”

“Yeah. So please don’t argue with me. Can Marty take off work?”

“I suppose. If she told them she was sick or something.”

“Impress on her that I don’t lose my shit easily, and I don’t cry wolf. Cancel your client appointments. Make up some excuse for having to close the shop for a few days. Then get out of town.”

“For how long?”

“Till I feel it’s safe for you to come back.”

“Rusty would have to be dead.”

When he didn’t respond to that, she said, “Ledge, that was supposed to be a joke.”

“I’ll call you when things have settled.”

“What about Arden?”

“Right now she’s with me, but I’m sending her packing, too.” Sensing her hesitancy, he said, “Crystal, you know how Rusty works. He won’t come after me. He’ll hurt the people I care about.”

Still sounding reluctant, she said, “I’ll text you where we are.”

He told her to be careful; she told him the same. They said goodbye. He gave himself a few seconds, then called Don, who launched into him the instant he answered.

“Ledge, what the devil? Dwayne Hawkins—”

“I’ve heard. Swear to God I didn’t kill him. Rusty did. He drove all the way out here to my place to deliver the news in person.” Talking in a shorthand he knew Don would understand, he summarized Rusty’s visit.

Don breathed in, breathed out. “Is Arden okay?”

“How’d you know—”

“According to several of Crystal’s neighbors who witnessed the whole thing, ‘the Maxwell girl’ saved the day by blasting the horn. You two were seen leaving together, and her car spent the night at the curb in front of Crystal’s house. What else do you want to know?”

“Goddamn it,” Ledge muttered.

“It’s been circulating so fast, the cell tower’s smoking. Folks don’t know what to make of it, considering you and Crystal and all.”

“I’ve got more important things than gossip to worry about. Arden is all right, but she was Copyright 2016 - 2024