Their Forever - Chloe Kent Page 0,68

they didn’t want to taint their senses even marginally, not now. Not with her.

“The fuck you do,” Kade muttered angrily under his breath. They stood side by side, both of them ruthless men in their own right, watching the bathroom, knowing she was there, only a door separating them from her.

He had planned to humor Liam as long as he’d wanted, had pulled out all the stops where his control was concerned. Told himself he needed to treat it like a mission. But she had destroyed him when he touched her, kissed her, tasted the honey sweetness from her pussy, felt the incredible tightness of her satiny walls hold him to her as he’d fucked her. And he was ruined. That was bad enough.

But if he needed to leave, he could go back into the business and throw himself into work. Every second of his life would be haunted by her, but at least she would be out of his grasp, safe and loved with Liam at her side… as it should be.

But what Liam was asking him to do now—there was no going back for either of them.

The instant the bathroom door opened, Kade’s heart plummeted and raced. He had been in situations where he didn’t know if he’d live through the next minute, and still, he kept a steady heart rate. But one look at her and he spiraled like an amateur.

Her gaze collided with them both but when it settled on him, she dropped her head, avoiding him, her cheeks blood red. He wished to God he could wipe… kiss away the conflict weighing heavily in her eyes, wearing her down. Making her sad.

She loved Liam, and every time Kade touched her, he felt her guilt slide through him like a razor-sharp knife. Every response she made to him, ended with self-derision that he would actually hear as if she were screaming at herself out loud.

How could he do this to her?

She only loved Liam. Her husband. To her, Kade only tainted that love. She wanted him gone. Out of their lives forever. But honoring her wish meant breaking his word to Liam, which was something he couldn’t do.

And that meant she would hate him for the rest of his life for what he was about to do to her now.

She finally emerged from the bathroom, naked as Liam had instructed her. Her body glistened and her hair was still wet from being freshly shampooed. The sweet scent of her caught in the air and drifted to them both.

Fuck, she was stunning. Shy. Quivering with her hands behind her back. Her beautiful body took his breath away, and her nipples, still swollen from the clamps, made his mouth water.

He turned to glance at Liam and saw that they mirrored the exact same expression when they looked at her. Kade turned away quickly.

He didn’t love her.

He couldn’t.

She belonged to Liam, and his crazy idea that she felt something for Kade was wrong. The only thing she felt for him was pure disdain.

Liam held out his hand and she obediently came toward him. Cruel slashes of fire blazed his body at her nearness. He jammed his hands into his pockets to stop from grabbing her and placing her between their bodies where she belonged. He took a step back. He couldn’t be that close to her without touching her. Fuck, he couldn’t be on opposite ends of the same damn planet without wanting to touch her.

But it was him who didn’t belong. She believed that, even if Liam, a man who had never been wrong before about anything, understood otherwise.

Turning her around to face Kade, Liam planted kisses on her pretty shoulders until her soft moans pierced Kade’s senses. But if she couldn’t even look at Kade now, how was she going to take it when Liam told her what Kade was going to do to her?

“Do you know why Kade did the things he did to your ass?” Liam asked with his comforting measured tone, his hands running up and down her arms as she quivered in front of him.

“To punish me,” she murmured, keeping her gaze down, cultivating the shield that she used to keep him out.

“That too, yes; but your punishment is over now. This is something that needs to be done. Just like I took your virgin pussy to make you mine, Kade is going to take your virgin ass to make you his. You belong to both of us now and forever.”

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