Their Forever - Chloe Kent Page 0,45


“I had to kill his father, when he couldn't bring himself to complete the assignment.”

Extreme shock registered on her face. That her thoughts were stumbling over themselves was clear in the way her eyes grew wider.

Kade was a survivor except for that one time when he needed Liam. Where he couldn't bring himself to take out his own father: a man who needed to die.

Liam tightened his jaw. Maybe the time had come for him to call Kade up on paying him back.

Chapter Ten

Olivia tossed and turned, her sleep teetered on the barbed wire of her restlessness and eventually she gave up. A glance at the clock told her it was well after one in the morning, and Liam hadn't returned to bed.

The suspense of her punishment had been killing her, and her poor brain worked overtime trying to ascertain exactly what kind of punishment awaited her inside of Liam's Black Room, his dungeon.

Liam had done shameful things to her in that room that even now made her blush with an excruciatingly hot tingle that swept over her whole body. But this time there would be the added event of teaching her a lesson, and she expected a kind of soreness in her body she would wear for days.

She needed to repent. And the only way she could do that was with his punishment. As with all her chastisements, she needed to get it over with, out of her system so she could function with complete coherence. Right now, she was in tatters, both emotionally and physically.

She also wanted to use her punishment to help her body and mind purge itself of Kade. She needed that more than anything. Liam and Kade shared a bond that had nothing to do with her, and it was time she removed herself from the equation. But still, she flipped through what Liam had told her. Kade had tried to kill him and she shuddered. And the thought of Kade having to remove his own father stuck with her. That Liam had done it for him reiterated they lived in a world she'd never understand and didn't belong to.

Slipping into one of Liam’s T-shirts, her skin still scented with roses from her bath, she went in search of her husband. After scouring the house, she went downstairs to the gym in their basement, a massive lot of every piece of equipment available with wide-open spaces. She heard him before she saw him. The grunts that escaped his throat, the smashing of bodies, the sound of hard physical, punishing combat that felt like it would break open skin and rupture organs. And he wasn't alone.


Kade circled the ring. Sweat dripped down his back, the muscles in his body aching and he was already super fit. No matter what, Liam always gave him the hardest time in the ring. He could easily match the man now, having been given a lesson in his techniques, but Liam always seemed to surprise him enough that Kade couldn't let his guard down when they were in the ring.

And he had a lot to get rid of. A lot.

What Liam had asked him to do was insane, and it was driving him crazier with every day that passed.

From the first moment he had set his eyes on Liam's wife, he had felt a shift in his system, the closely guarded one that kept him alive, a trait he needed in his line of work. But he had pushed it aside because she was Liam's wife and that meant she was off limits. Completely untouchable. Until Liam dropped his bombshell the very first night of Kade being on the job as his chauffeur.

You have my permission to touch my wife.

To fuck her.

To punish her.

To own her.

Liam had given him equal rights to his wife, and had it been any other woman, even one that sparked a marginal degree of interest in Kade, he would have waved it aside and never acted on it. But it had been Olivia, with her flawless skin and soft but proud eyes, and waving her aside had become impossible for him to do.

He had never been affected by a woman before, not the way Olivia affected him. But he could still walk away before it was too late.

He knew Liam well enough to know why he said she didn't love him. He knew about Liam's horrific past with a mother who had broken him down throughout his childhood. And now he would never see that Olivia Copyright 2016 - 2024