Their Forever - Chloe Kent Page 0,40

held her gaze in the rearview mirror, then nodded.

“Are you blackmailing Liam?”

“Does Liam look like the kind of man who would allow himself to be blackmailed?”

The answer was no, and she felt stupid for asking. He leaned and opened the glove compartment, and she caught a glimpse of his gun before he sat forward and shoved it into the back of his pants.

“You had a gun all along?” she cried.

“I couldn't risk the fence having metal detectors attached.”

She closed her eyes and knew John might not have had that same foresight. She could have been in a completely different situation, and John could have been dead. Oh God.

“How do you know him?”

“He saved my life.”

“Funny, he said the same about you.” She turned her head away, tired of being kept in the dark where Liam and Kade were concerned. When Kade chuckled at her response, her skin heated, and suddenly the bruise on her lip ached again. She touched it, and her nerves tingled. Liam had given her the stinging bite, and Kade had ensured she'd remember it.

Maybe it was the adrenalin… Liam… Kade… but her center ached, and she squeezed her thighs tightly closed. When she looked up again, Kade still had his eyes on her.

“You're going to tell him about this, aren't you?” She didn't want to ask what happened at Bethy's unit when Glenn walked in on them. She didn't want to know.


His succinct answer made her insides squirm. She couldn't even comprehend how angry Liam was going to be with her. She couldn't imagine what lesson, what learning punishments he would issue for this stunt she pulled. She also realized that if not for Kade, things could have gone horribly and fatally wrong.

He didn't drive her back to the shelter and when he missed the turn, she picked up her phone and sent Ronald a text that she had to leave for an emergency, and she'd see him tomorrow.

Panic-stricken didn't quite cover the tidal waves of apprehension washing over her. She tried to escape, a detour up the stairs where she could lock herself in their bedroom until Liam's storm passed. At least she could get to change out of the clothes she wore, shower off the day's events, especially the fresh wetness inundating her body, but Kade seemed to know what she was thinking.

He wrapped his hand around her arm and steered her toward Liam's office.

Oh heaven, help her. Why did everything that concerned these two men culminate into her body going into heat. Why was this happening to her?

She stalled stubbornly at the entrance of Liam's office. Her mouth dried as he rose from his desk, a lethal jaguar as if he'd already known something bad had happened and he'd need to roll heads.

In less than a breath, he assessed her, his gaze sliding over her odd choice of clothes, when she had left the house, in something else entirely, this morning. He searched beneath the clothing to see if she was hurt. But then his gaze locked with hers, and she shuddered at the fierce possessiveness and lethally threatening look on his face. She had given away her distress, and he looked ready to kill whoever caused it. Little did he know she had orchestrated it all herself.

She didn't know how to feel when he discarded her and looked at Kade. A flicker of relief, an emotion so rare with him, changed the tension around them to one of a questioning nature.

It was as if he believed no harm could have come to her if she were with Kade.

She refused to go farther into the room. Already her backside stung epically with just the thoughts of the punishments coming her way. While Liam spoiled her rotten, he also spanked her hard enough that she nursed her sore ass for days afterward.

And as Kade walked toward him, leaving her alone at the entrance of Liam's study, she knew without a doubt what she had done wouldn't warrant just a spanking. No. It was going to be harsh as befitting her crime.

She shifted from one foot to the other and thought about the cathartic feeling that would wash over her after he had punished her and she had learned her lesson. He would take her in his arms and alternate between showing her who her body belonged to, then make the most tortuously slow love to her. She wished she had arrived at that point already.

Kade spoke softly. She deliberately tuned out their voices; she Copyright 2016 - 2024