Texting With the Enemy (Digital Dating #1) - Marika Ray Page 0,11

jaw dropped and I scrambled to come up with actual words. “Immediately? Notice?”

Pam chuckled. “I had a good feeling about you when I met you. I always trust my intuition. It led me to the man I married and had a ridiculous number of children with. I’m sure about you, El.”

“And I’m sure about you.”

Pam jumped in again before I could decline or ask for more time to decide. “I’ll match whatever you’re making as an accountant. And of course, commission would be on top of that.”

I couldn’t believe my good luck. The extra in commissions meant I could get Mom the physical therapy she needed. Or maybe get myself a place to live that wasn’t next to a guy who talked to mannequins all day long.

“I-I accept. I’ll be there tomorrow by five. Does that work?” I gulped, pulling the phone away from my mouth so she wouldn’t hear me make weird mouth sounds. I was pretty sure all the moisture in my mouth had gone to my armpits.

“That’s perfect! I’ll see you then.”

“Thank you so much, Pam,” I mumbled repeatedly until she eventually said good-bye and hung up with a chuckle.

I stood from the barstool and danced around the kitchen. I let out a few loud whoops before I calmed down enough to text Ashley the good news. I couldn’t believe it. I was done with West Wines. Done with Boston Cunningham and his condescending tone and ridiculously hot face.

A banging on the shared wall had me stopping in my tracks.

“You want a friend to party with, El? I can bring the girls over!” Frank yelled through the wall.

I cringed. They didn’t use much insulation in these duplexes, did they? “I’m good. Sorry about the noise.” I tiptoed out of the kitchen and into my bedroom, which thankfully did not share a wall with Frank and his “girls.” I flopped back on the bed and couldn’t get comfortable. I still had excess excitement that needed to be expressed. Silently.

I pulled up the text string with Chad. “Why not?” I whispered to myself, riding on a wave of confidence.

Me: I got a new job offer today! I’m thinking of breaking into my ice cream stash to celebrate. What are you up to?

I set the phone down on my bed and headed back to the kitchen for the ice cream. If I stared at the phone, he wouldn’t text back. Yet another law of the universe. You had to pretend you didn’t care if the guy responded, which was, of course, when he’d respond. Sure enough, when I came back to the bedroom, my phone screen lit up with a notification.

Chad the Neck Licker: Unfortunately, not eating ice cream. Working. Congrats on the job offer! Are you going to take it?

Me: I think so. The interview was so easy and the job is so great, I’d be an idiot not to.

Chad the Neck Licker: Glad the interview was good. Those can be hard.

Me: Tell me about it! I once went to an interview with jelly donut filling on my blouse.

Me: I couldn’t even change beforehand because the boss moved my interview time up.

Me: He even berated me about not being professional. Like, hello? I would have been if you hadn’t changed times!

Chad the Neck Licker: Ouch! Sounds like maybe the boss was just jealous because he wanted a donut too.

Me: Nope. Pretty sure he’s just a jerk.

The three little dots hung there for a while and I wondered if I should ask him another question to keep him texting. He hadn’t even called me babe and I was feeling like luck was on my side tonight. A message came through before I could think of what to ask him.

Chad the Neck Licker: I had to interview with my own dad for a job in the family business when I got out of college. It was an hour-long interview with an aptitude test at the end.

Me: Wow. No offense, but your dad seems kind of harsh.

Chad the Neck Licker: He was.

I buried my head in the pillow and groaned. Was? Did that mean his dad was no longer alive? Great. I just insulted his dead dad. Shoot me now.

Me: I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.

Chad the Neck Licker: It’s okay. I agree. He was kind of harsh, but I’m starting to think he had his reasons.

I snorted. Yeah. I’d been trying for years to understand my father too. So far, no epiphanies as to why he’d abandon his wife

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