Texas Rose - By Patricia Rice Page 0,16

take too long."

Evie threw the pillow after him as he closed the door.

Chapter 5

"Maryellen" Peyton was smiling brighter than the Mississippi sun when Tyler saw her next. The New Orleans-bound steamboat had left the dock and Dorset behind and churned safely down the river, so his companions apparently felt safe to emerge.

He watched in fascination as she maneuvered the ruffled train of her totally inappropriate pink gown along the promenade deck, alternately entertaining Daniel who sat in a chair near the cabin, and the male passengers who stopped to hear her sparkling conversation—or watch her bustle as she paced the deck.

Not liking the way several of the sharks were eyeing her, Tyler sauntered up and appropriated her arm with a casual possessiveness that caused several men to stand back out of range and brought "Maryellen's" attention on him with a frown.

"There you are, my dear. I'd wondered where you'd got to. Daniel, if you'll excuse us, I'd like a minute or two alone with your sister." Without waiting for anyone's consent, Tyler led the way to the Texas deck.

"Mr. Monteigne, you're determined to be rude this morning," she replied, guiding her gown and petticoats carefully up the narrow stairway.

"Since we're supposedly newlyweds, no one should object to my wanting to be alone with my bride." Tyler found a place out of the wind where they could watch the scenery go by. New spring leaves made a hazy glow of green along the riverbanks, and sunlight danced over the muddy waters.

"Well, now, that was an embarrassing tale to tell that man last night. Daniel isn't at all pleased with these arrangements." Evie popped open her matching parasol with secret delight.

She'd always dreamed of traveling on a paddle wheeler with a handsome man at her side. This had to be the epitome of all her dreams. That the man was probably madder than two wet hornets didn't concern her in the least. The thought of sharing a room with him did make her quake slightly, but she was bound and determined not to let him know. She turned her most devastating smile on him.

Tyler beamed an equal smile, flashing a healthy set of white teeth. "You're asking to be kissed, Miss Peyton. I'll be happy to oblige, but you must be aware that we have an audience."

Miffed that her best weapon was neatly parried by his equally formidable one, Evie blithely turned to watch the scenery. "This is a business arrangement, Mr. Monteigne. Let's keep it that way. What did you wish to see me about? Did Daniel not pay you adequately for your services yesterday?"

Tyler chuckled and leaned against the upper cabin wall, shoving his coattails back as he put his hands in his pockets. "On the contrary, I paid him a percentage of my take for last night's performance. You two were very convincing. Have you been working together long?"

Evie swung around in puzzlement. "Working together?"

"As shills, my dear. There isn't a con man or a gambler in the business that wouldn't pay good money for your services. I can't think why else the two of you would be traveling without benefit of family or servants."

Evie smiled sourly and looked him up and down, assessing the gold chain displayed across his discreet chocolate brocade vest, acknowledging the well- tailored fit of his fawn frock coat and trousers. Today he even wore a light-colored Stetson to keep the sun from his eyes. He looked every inch the professional gambler that traveled these rivers.

"I can't think how we travel should matter to you," she said frostily. "I've told you all you need to know."

"You've told me a bunch of faradiddle, Miss Peyton. Shall I call you Evie?"

"I told you, you shall call me Maryellen. I have reason to hide my identity. If my brother-in-law should learn I was coming, he might do something desperate. I'll thank you to remember that."

"I shouldn't think your mother would be too happy to send her children alone into the wilds of Texas. This isn't an afternoon jaunt, Miss Peyton. I'd suggest you tell me the truth before I take you home again."

"My mother is dead, sir. Evelyn's marriage killed her. Do you have any more silly questions, or may I return to see if Daniel needs anything? If you haven't noticed, the dampness pains his leg."

"Where's Daniel's mother?"

That caught her by surprise. She arched her brows and studied Tyler's pleasant expression. "She died giving birth to Daniel. Our father was heartbroken. Does that answer your question?"


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