Texas Rose - By Patricia Rice Page 0,141

up here, my daughter has never been in Texas. She wasn't certain what to expect."

Jason began to relax. "And she came here to meet you. Are you a traveling man, sir?"

"I've been in California," Peyton acknowledged stiffly.

They were making up lies for her. Evie listened in amazement, but she wasn't about to correct them. Her concern was for Kyle and for her job. "Now will you tell me if there is anything I can do for Kyle, Mr. Harding? I've tried to be just as plain as can be with him, but people have such wicked tongues. He really shouldn't listen to them."

Jason's expression went grim again. "You can't deny that your husband has taken rooms at the saloon. It doesn't set a good example for the children. Kyle accepted the fact that you married another man, but it's a bit difficult to accept that you don't live with your husband. He's thinking he should have done something to keep you from making the wrong decision, and he's blaming himself."

Evie would have preferred to scream and throw a tantrum and tell everyone to mind their own business, but she managed a small smile and straightened her gown and folded her hands in her lap. "It's a little difficult for all of us to live in this small house, Mr. Harding. And admittedly, Tyler and I have had a little tiff, but that shouldn't be anyone's concern but ours. My father is seeing to the repair of his old home while Tyler is making a place for us here. Everything will be straightened out with time. You just tell Kyle I'd be appreciative of his support. Your brother is the sweetest man I've ever met, but you can see for yourself that we would never suit. Why, I'd up and die of loneliness out there on that ranch all by myself."

She thought she'd almost smoothed everything over when the front door crashed open and a giant, bald-headed man stood there.

Before she could even catch enough breath to scream, Logan pulled his gun and aimed it at the man with the child sleeping in his lap.

"Peyton, I'm going to kill you."

Evie did scream then, as chairs crashed to the ground and the men in the room scrambled to their feet.

Chapter 36

"Logan, you old bastard! Angelina told me you were dead." James Peyton calmly handed a now wailing Maria into Evie's hands as Jason put his hand on his gun and moved threateningly to block Evie and the children from the intruder.

"Don't give me that bullshit, Peyton. I want my money." Logan left the door open behind him as he held his gun high, but his gaze drifted nervously to Evie and her weeping charges.

"And you'll get it, but there's no sense in making the womenfolk hysterical. Let's go over to the Red Eye and catch up on old times." Peyton threw a glance to Jason. "Harding, you want to join us? Your stepmama was a friend of ours. We'd like to hear a word or two about her."

That statement was more likely to make Evie hysterical than the giant with the revolver, but she bit her tongue and watched the men warily holster their weapons. She'd like to take the skillet to all their heads at the moment, but Nanny had taught her to be a lady. Quieting Maria in her arms, she merely smiled as Jason gave her an apologetic farewell. The other two men were already out on the porch, arguing loudly.

"If you see Tyler, tell him everything's just fine," she said maliciously as Jason started for the door. He gave her a curt nod, then strode out.

Daniel had scrambled to his feet with the aid of his crutch when Logan made his entrance. Now he looked longingly at the door through which the men had left. Once again, he'd been left behind with the women and children.

Seeing that look, Evie spoke up. "Do you think you can find Jose and Manuel? I'm going to start hog-tying those two rascals if they don't start coming home by dark."

With relief, Daniel accepted this assignment. "My leg needs the exercise anyway," he responded gruffly, refusing to look at Carmen as he swung out the door.

Evie threw the girl a harried look. "I think the Shakers have the right idea. Men and women ought to be kept separated, if just for their own sanity."

Carmen smiled shyly. "But then where would babies come from?"

As Carmen took Maria to put her to bed, Evie contemplated

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