Texas Rose - By Patricia Rice Page 0,112

it was little more than a closet, but that suited him just fine. Hale's visitors weren't likely to visit a closet.

The door was unlocked; the room was unlighted and windowless. Tyler glimpsed towering stacks of old law books and crates of papers, then eased the door closed and waited in silence. Ben had been out front waiting for Hale to return. The lawyer usually took an hour for lunch. Tyler didn't think it had been an hour yet, and the footsteps had come from the rear of the building. If Ben had seen Hale's visitors, he would have whistled sooner. That must mean Hale was coming down the street to meet the men pounding noisily down the hall.

"Look, I just want to check on something, all right?"

Tyler didn't recognize the voice, but it was loud and clear enough to carry through the wall and the crates of junk. He stood motionless, afraid any wrong move would start an avalanche. The next voice mumbled, and he strained to hear, but all he caught was the first man's reply.

"Look, I don't trust lawyers any more than you do. That's why I'm here. I saw him put them papers in a drawer, and I want to take a look."

The other voice was closer now, just outside the door. "I don't like it. I don't like messing with no kids; I told you that before. I can take this Pecos fellow out without touching the damned kids."

The first voice hissed angrily. "Shut up. We're not doing anything unless I know we're getting paid. Because of those damned kids, I'm going to have to pull up and start operations somewhere else. I want something out of this. Go keep an eye out the window."

Tyler felt something in his chest constrict. There were probably dozens of kids in town, but there were only a few who might be mentioned in connection with "this Pecos fellow." Damn, and double damn. He wanted to throw open the door and grab these two and send them flying down the stairs. He wanted their necks broken. His hands clenched into fists. He couldn't afford to lose control. He didn't even have a gun on him.

Tyler felt like every blood vessel in him would burst as he waited for these two to ransack the lawyer's office and leave. He could hear drawers opening and closing, but no further conversation. Then there was a shout from the one watching the window, and two pairs of boots hastily retreated down the back steps. Hale was coming.

He had to get out of here now. He didn't know what they were looking for or what they were talking about. He just knew he had to find out who they were and get the kids somewhere safe. To hell with the damned lawyer.

Tyler left the closet fast on the heels of the two intruders. He cast a look out the window overlooking the alley, but he couldn't see anyone down there. He prayed Ben had got a look at them, but he had a sinking feeling that they had stayed to the back. Heart pounding faster than was good for all concerned, nerves on edge, Tyler clattered down the back stairs.

The street behind the building was empty. How could they have disappeared so fast? Not daring to attract attention by running, Tyler strode swiftly down the alley to where Ben waited.

Ben heard him and left the porch, meeting him in the alley. His expression didn't change as he caught Tyler's grim look. "Hale went on to the livery. Did you find anything?"

"Did you see anyone coming out of here?" Tyler demanded, hurrying toward the street.

"Not a soul. What's going on?"

"Have you seen any of the Rodriguez kids?"

Ben glanced at his friend and picked up his pace. "Not lately. Why?"

"I'm going to check the house. You check the livery. Be careful. If you find them, just get them over to the sheriffs office. I'll figure out what to do with them from there."

They were already to the hotel. Nodding his head, Ben took off in his long-legged stride while Tyler tried not to run the distance to the little house behind the stables.

Evie looked up in startlement as Tyler burst through the door without warning. His expression terrified her. She dropped the pot she was holding and hurried toward him.

"Where are the kids?"

She didn't question why he wanted to know. The urgency in his voice was apparent. "Daniel's at the newspaper. Carmen and Maria are at the

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