Texas Proud and Circle of Gold (Long, Tall Texans #52) - Diana Palmer Page 0,40

herself glowing inside. “It takes time,” she agreed.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I’m going to try to sleep. Santi has plenty of cash for the prescriptions.”

“Okay.” She got up. “If you need anything, you just call, okay?”

He smiled without opening his eyes. “Okay. Thanks, honey.”

“You’re very welcome.”

She went out of the room, the soft words lingering, touching, making her feel valued.

* * *

There was a knock at the front door. She went to answer it. Santi was standing there.

“What’s wrong with the boss?” he asked at once.

“Migraine,” she said. “We had to call the doctor.”

“It’s a doctor you know, right?” he asked, and his broad face looked troubled.

“Oh, yes, Dr. Louise Coltrain. She came out and gave him these prescriptions. He asked you to get them filled for him at the drugstore.”

He took them from her and nodded. “I’ll get right on it.” He grimaced. “I don’t like being away from him at night, even with all those other guys watching out for him. Listen, you hear any strange noises or if anybody tries to get in the house, you text me. Got your cell phone with you?”

“Yes.” She pulled it out and handed it to him.

He pulled up the contact screen and put information into it. He handed it back. “That’s my cell phone number. The boss isn’t twitchy, so he might pass over something that could be dangerous.”

“I’ll call you if anything happens here,” she promised. “Thanks,” she added softly.

He smiled. “You’re a nice kid. I’m sorry we were rough on you when you fell in front of the car. It’s just that women have tried that before in the boss’s old neighborhood.”

“Really?” she asked, and she was honestly surprised.

He nodded. “He’s loaded, you know? Plenty of women would do anything for money.”

She smiled. “I’ve known one or two of those myself. I like having enough to pay the bills and eat out once in a while. That’s about all. Money doesn’t make people happy. Very often, it does just the opposite.”

“Yes, it does.” He held up the prescriptions. “I’ll get these filled and bring them back to you. The boss, you’re sure he’s okay?”

“Why don’t you look in and see, before you go?” she asked, leading him down the hall. “He’s had a rough night.”

“I used to nurse him through these headaches,” Santi said. “They’re a nightmare.”

“I can see that.”

She knocked briefly and opened the door. Mikey turned his head, wincing at the pain. He managed a smile.

“Hey, Santi. Had to make sure I hadn’t croaked, right?” he teased.

Santi chuckled. “Something like that. You okay?”

“Getting better by the minute.”

“Okay. I’ll go get your meds and be right back.”

“Bernie,” Mikey called, when she started to go out, too. She went back in and paused by the bed. “You haven’t even had breakfast, have you?” he asked.

“Well, not just yet...”

“Go eat something.”

“Okay. Mrs. Brown said you can have anything you want to eat when you feel like food.”

He smiled drowsily. “She’s a doll. So are you. I’m not hungry yet. I think I’ll just sleep for a while. Eat something.”

“I will.”

“Hey,” he called softly when she was at the door.

She turned, her eyebrows arching.

“When I get better, suppose we take in another movie? Paulie says they’ve got all the latest movies on pay-per-view and DVD. And a door that locks,” he added with a wicked smile.

She laughed, flushing as she remembered the last movie they’d gone to but not seen. The memory of his mouth on hers was poignant. “I’d like that,” she said.

“Me, too.”

“Get some rest. I’ll check on you in a few minutes.”

He sighed. “Sweet girl. Don’t ever change.”

“I’ll do my best.”

She went out and closed the door.

* * *

Paul came over to see about his cousin, alerted by Santi after the bodyguard had dropped off Mikey’s prescriptions.

“You look rough,” Paul said, sitting by his cousin’s bedside. “I remember what a misery those headaches are.”

“Misery is right. I lost everything I’d eaten. Bernie was right in the bathroom with me, mopping me up,” he added. “What a hell of a woman. I never knew anybody like her.”

“She’s unique,” Paul agreed. “Amazing how she keeps going. Her disability never seems to get her down.”

“She has good days and bad ones.”

“Don’t they have shots for that condition now?”

“Yeah, they do,” Mikey said. “I overheard her landlady saying what a shame it was that they were so expensive. Bernie can’t afford them.” His face tautened. “I can, but she’d never let me do it for her.

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