Texas Proud and Circle of Gold (Long, Tall Texans #52) - Diana Palmer Page 0,26

got so damned bad that they had to give her opiates to cope with it.” He made a face. “Then the government steps in and says that everybody’s going to get addicted, so now you get an over-the-counter drug for pain even if you’ve got cancer,” he added angrily. “Like that’s going to help get illegal narcotics off the street! Hell, you can buy drugs, guns, anything you want in the back alley of any town in America, even small towns.”

“You can?” she asked curiously.

“Of course you can. Even in prison.”


He chuckled. “Kid, you really aren’t worldly.”

“I guess not,” she said with a good-natured smile. “I don’t have much of a social life. Well, I do have Twitter and Facebook, but I don’t post very often. Mostly, I read what other people write. My goodness, I must be sheltered, because some of the things people post I wouldn’t even tell to my best friend!”

“What sort of things?” he teased.

“I’m not saying,” she replied.

He made a face. “That didn’t hurt, that didn’t hurt, that didn’t hurt...” And he laughed, softly and with so much mischief that she burst out laughing, too.

He looked around. “Not so many people just yet. So.” He caught a handful of her long, beautiful platinum hair and tugged her face under his. “Don’t panic,” he whispered as he bent his head. “This is just a test. I’m practicing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, in case I ever have to save you...!”

Chapter Five

Bernie held her breath as she watched his firm, chiseled lips hover over hers. She could taste the coffee on his mouth, feel his breath as his face came closer, so that his dark eyes filled the world.

She clutched at his jacket, more overcome with emotion than she could have dreamed even a few weeks ago.

“I love your hair, Bernadette,” he whispered as his hand contracted in it and his mouth slowly covered hers for the first time.

She gasped under the soft pressure, but she wasn’t trying to get away. He gazed down at her. Her eyes were closed, her eyebrows drawn together. She looked as if she’d die if he didn’t kiss her.

Which was exactly how he felt, himself. He settled his mouth over hers, gently because he could sense her attraction and her fear. It was hard to give control to another person. But it was a lesson she would have to learn. He was glad that she was learning it with him.

He guided her arms up around his neck as his lips became slowly more insistent, giving her time to absorb the newness of it, giving her time to let go of her restraint. It melted out of her as he drew her closer across the console, his lips opening now, pressing hers gently apart.

She heard his breath sigh out against her cheek, felt his arms enfolding her, protecting her. She moaned as the feeling became almost overpowering and her arms tightened around his neck.

“That’s it, baby,” he whispered. “Just like that. Don’t hold back. I’ll go slow, I promise.”

And he did. He didn’t force her or do anything to make her uncomfortable. His mouth slid finally against her cheek to rest at her ear. His heart was doing the hula in his chest. He could feel hers doing the same thing.

It was odd, to be chaste with her. Most women in his past would have been tearing his clothes off at this point, but Bernie was gentle and inexperienced. He could feel the need in her because he felt it, as well. It was new to want to protect and cherish someone. He felt as if he could fly.

“You taste like sugar candy,” he whispered at her ear.

Her arms tightened and she laughed softly. She didn’t know what to say.

His big hand smoothed the length of her hair. “I’m glad you left it down tonight,” he murmured. “Just for me?”

“Just for you.” Her voice sounded husky. She felt swollen all over. It was a delicious sensation, like going down on a roller coaster.

His face nuzzled hers. “I never expected something like this,” he said in a deep, lazy tone. “I was going to stay in this little town for a while and bide my time, maybe find a poker game to get into or something. And here’s this beautiful little violet, right in my boardinghouse.”

“Me?” she stammered.

His hand slid under her hair. “You, Bernadette.” His cheek slid against hers and his mouth covered hers again, but harder this time, hungrier.

She couldn’t resist him. She didn’t

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