Texas Proud and Circle of Gold (Long, Tall Texans #52) - Diana Palmer Page 0,152

men to lift those heavy flowerpots from the patio into your sunroom,” he said shortly and watched her flush. She did the same thing every year, just before frost warnings went out, getting her precious herbs and flowering plants inside. “You’ve no business trying to do it yourself.”

She made a face. “I can’t let my flowers die. And I love fresh herbs.”

“Buy some at the store.”

“It’s not the same,” she pointed out.

He drew in a breath. “Ida, there are things you just can’t do anymore. Heavy labor tops the list. You have to be sensible.”

“Sensible.” She sighed. “He’s out of prison, you know,” she added, her blue eyes poignant. “He wants money. He says if I don’t give it to him, I can expect even worse than I had before he was convicted.”

“Talk to Cody Banks.”

“I have,” she replied. “I took out a restraining order, as well. But if somebody wants to kill you, he can,” she added.

“If he wants money, killing you isn’t in his best interest, now, is it?” he returned.

“I guess not. I had a new will drawn up when he went to prison, guaranteeing that if I die, he inherits nothing.” She drew in a long breath. “The nightmares came back, when he called me.”

“You should be in the care of a psychologist.”

She shrugged. “I tried. It didn’t work.” She looked over at him. “My first husband was gay, but he was a better, more loving husband to me than Bailey Trent could ever be.”

He just smiled. “We all make mistakes.”

“Yes, but most of us don’t end up in intensive care when we make them,” she replied with a faint smile.

“You survived, at least,” he replied. “That’s something.”

“I guess.”

“I’m going to have Melanie call in a prescription for stronger anti-inflammatories,” he said, typing on his computer. “You’ll take them for five days only, then ten days off. That way you’ll be able to keep your liver and save your kidneys.”

“Powerful stuff,” she commented.

“Very. And don’t take them and try to drive,” he admonished.

“I won’t. Thanks,” she added. “For the meds. And for listening.”

“Who else have you got?” he asked reasonably.

“Sad but true.”

“You should come to supper one night,” he told her as he got to his feet. “Sandy would love to make you that terrific meat loaf she does, along with some homemade bread.”

“Your wife is a wonderful cook. And I appreciate the offer. But...”

He raised an eyebrow. “But?”

“Carl,” she said, “anybody I associate with could be in the crosshairs when Bailey comes after me. I’m not putting you and Sandy there.”

“Now, listen,” he began.

“No,” she interrupted. “But thank you. And tell Sandy one day I want her to try and teach me to do breads.”

“I’ll tell her,” he replied. “Keep in touch with Cody,” he added. “He’ll watch out for you.”

She nodded.

He hesitated. “For the record, Sandy and I are both sorry that we encouraged you to go back to Bailey. We didn’t know about him then.”

“You didn’t,” she agreed. “And I was too ashamed to tell you. That’s all in the past. No worries.”

“You take care of yourself.”

She smiled. “I’ll do my best.”

“Some gentle exercise would help strengthen those muscles,” he added.

“So you keep telling me. I bought a Tai Chi DVD,” she added. “It’s made for people with arthritis. So far, I’ve managed one whole form without falling over the coffee table.”

He chuckled. “Keep it up.”

She grinned. “I will.”

* * *

SHE WENT TO the counter and got her next appointment set, then walked outside. She pulled out her phone and hesitated. She really shouldn’t start anything with McGuire, she told herself. He didn’t like her, even though he’d been kind today. And she hesitated to put him in the line of fire. She should just call a cab.

She pulled up the internet on her smartphone and started looking for the number of the only local cab company. Before she could copy the number, a red Mercedes pulled into the parking lot and stopped beside her.

Copyright © 2020 by Diana Palmer

ISBN-13: 9781488058691

Texas Proud & Circle of Gold

Copyright © 2020 by Harlequin Books S.A.

Texas Proud

Copyright © 2020 by Diana Palmer

Circle of Gold

Copyright © 2000 by Diana Palmer

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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