The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,8

but it was never that serious. I really haven’t had much time for a social life since.”

“Maybe you should take some time.”

She laughed. “With a baby now? I don’t think this is the time. There’s no room for romance in my life. A baby plus an opera career—those would send anyone running.”

“Maybe running with you, but not from you—take another look in your mirror.”

“Thank you,” she said, smiling at him. “Seriously, I haven’t given a lot of thought to what I’ll do in the future. I need to start looking into schools for Noah.”

Marek smiled. “You have time.”

“It flies past, and I may pick a school where he has to go on a waiting list.”

Marek’s thoughts shifted to Noah. He had to think of a way to keep the baby in the family. He couldn’t sit by while she went to France or Germany or Italy for a year and took Noah with her.

He took Camille to a quiet, elegant dinner club in Houston. The decor was dark blue, with dark walnut paneling and dimmed crystal chandeliers. It was a place he had gone often, and he felt they would not be disturbed by fans or his friends, but he had forgotten about the dancing. There was a small dance floor; out of courtesy he felt he needed to ask her to dance. He remembered holding Jillian in his arms, laughing at something she had said. He didn’t want to dance with this woman who was so alive and who made him feel so alive.

He realized he had ceased talking during dinner.

“You’re thinking about your fiancée,” Camille remarked. “Again, I’m sorry for your loss. It’s understandable for you to think about her. My guess is that you both came here to eat occasionally.”

“You’re right. Sorry if I got distracted. That’s past, but there are moments it comes rushing back. Would you like to dance?”

“You don’t have to dance,” she said, smiling. “This is fine.”

Relieved, appreciating her understanding, he wanted to accept her reply and forget dancing, but he had to pick up the pieces and go on with life. He stood. “C’mon. It’ll do me good to get out there and move around.”

It was the first time he had danced since he had been with Jillian. He took a deep breath and focused on Camille, smiling at her.

“You really don’t have to dance if you’d rather not,” she said gently, startling him.

“It shows that much?” he asked, focusing on her more intently.

“Maybe a little. I can also imagine,” she added gently.

“Do you like to dance?” he asked, leading her to the dance floor.

“Yes, but if you want to stop, I’ll understand why.”

He took her lightly into his arms. “You’re sensitive to other people,” he said, studying her large, thickly lashed eyes. “You look beautiful tonight,” he added, and she smiled.

“Thank you.”

“I mean it.” As he danced the first few steps, he had another moment when pain stabbed him. He missed Jillian, her slender body, her laughter. He focused on Camille and the moment passed. “I just know how I would feel if I were in your position.”

“You never saw Kern any other time?”

“No. The weekend I met your brother was the only time I was with him. While I had a wonderful time with him, we really weren’t that close.”

“Kern was the embodiment of charm and fun.” He realized she was as easy to dance with as she was to talk to. Her perfume was enticing, and the low vee of her neckline revealed the beginning of full, soft curves.

“Do you want a bigger family—a husband, maybe a sibling for Noah?”

“Yes, at some distant future point in my life. But right now I have a career to pursue, and it’s on the rise. I have a baby to take care of and he’s most important.”

A fast number began, and, in seconds, he was dancing with enthusiasm. It felt good to move, and he liked to watch her. She was an energetic, sensual dancer. While he moved, cares and heartaches dropped away and burdens lifted from his shoulders.

A samba followed and they continued dancing. He shrugged off his suit jacket and draped it over an empty chair at the edge of the dance floor. He looked at Camille’s mass of black hair and wished she had left it loose. She was enticing, melting away some of his hurt and numbness. As the dance ended, he pulled her close to lean over in a dip.

When he gazed into her blue eyes, desire Copyright 2016 - 2024