The Texan's Contract Marriage - By Sara Orwig Page 0,47

words just made her fall a bit more in love with him while nothing she did could even cause a tiny crack in the wall of ice that enveloped his heart.

He held her lightly and showered her with feathery kisses. “Don’t worry. We’re doing better together than I had expected. Our marriage is working far more than I dreamed possible. You’re becoming a friend, helping me with the rough moments.”

“Thank you and I’m glad,” she said, thinking his statements heightened how much she liked him. “I know you’ve had some really bad moments because none of this, this bargain marriage, the relationship—you never expected or dreamed you would have anything like this in your life.”

“Damn straight, there,” he said, letting out a long breath. She was pulling herself together, and she stepped out of his arms to grab up her bra and T-shirt, pulling them on swiftly with her back turned to him.

Turning around she found him watching her intently. He had made no effort to pull on his T-shirt, and she couldn’t keep from surveying his chest, which made her breath catch and started her pulse pounding again. When she glanced up, his gaze had narrowed slightly.

“Knowing you and having this paper marriage has been good and that’s partly because of you. Noah is the other factor in making this workable. He’s an adorable baby.”

“I have to agree with that. He likes you.”

“He should. I love him already,” Marek said softly.

“Don’t make me fall in love with you,” she whispered, knowing it was far too late for that request.

He stepped close again to slip his arms lightly around her waist. “I don’t think you will. You’re vulnerable and so am I, because neither of us have had a physical relationship in a long time. When you get back to being onstage, you’ll forget me a good part of the time. I don’t think there’s any danger of either one of us falling in love. That will never be part of the equation, and we both can be open about it, which is also refreshing.”

His words stung, and she hoped he never realized her growing feelings because he obviously did not return such emotions and didn’t think he ever would. Unfortunately, her heart responded whether there was reciprocation or not.

Trying to lighten the situation, she smiled. “I think we were headed somewhere when we started this.”

“We’ll sit and talk if you want.” He draped his arm casually across her shoulders and walked to the sofa to sit close, turning to face her. “I want all of you to live on the ranch when your schedule allows it. You might as well get accustomed to the ranch. I love it. I’m a rancher, a cowboy. Living that far from town will be different for you.”

“It’ll be a monumental difference since we’ve always lived in a city,” Camille replied. “It’s going to be a huge change for my sister.”

“She’ll be paid well,” he remarked drily. “Sometimes that helps ease the change. Does Ashley want to go back for this fall semester?”

“Because of all the changes in our lives, she’s agreed to wait until the January semester starts. Remember, tomorrow one of your jets is flying her home to Saint Louis for the rest of this week.”

His gaze traveled over her features slowly. She reacted to the sensual study that held almost as much impact as physical contact. She forgot their conversation and was lost in his dark eyes.

He leaned closer and she could no more resist than if she had been hypnotized as she bent toward him. When his lips brushed hers, she closed her eyes, circling his neck with her arm. She paused only briefly. “We weren’t going to do this.”

“We haven’t for a while,” he whispered back.

He lifted her to his lap to embrace her. His arousal was hard against her hip, a throbbing reminder of his heated desire.

“Marek,” she whispered, and his mouth on hers stopped her from talking. After a few minutes she pushed against him and gazed at him.

He pulled his head back slightly to look into her eyes. “You’ll be mine soon, Camille,” he whispered, and her heart thudded.

“Be careful, Marek. I’m going to melt that ice that encompasses your heart. You possess my heart, but you’re making yours vulnerable to the fires we generate,” she warned. “I want you to want me with all your being,” she whispered, barely aware of what she said, uncertain that he even heard her, much less gave any thought Copyright 2016 - 2024